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Calling Kevin


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@kevinUsa Top comment choosava


I've found myself in a unique situation and would appreciate some advice. A few months ago, I connected with someone through a matrimonial site, and our recent in-person meeting was incredibly intense, both emotionally and physically and we kept going for 3 days until we stopped because of wounds from his knees and elbows. However, I'm now facing a dilemma. While I'm drawn to this person, I'm also hesitant to move forward due to the overwhelming sexual attraction.
We're both in our 30s, US citizens, financially stable, athletic and physically fit individuals. He’s already expressing interest in meeting my parents and planning a weekend trip to meet me. I've also recently experienced a job loss, but he has been supportive throughout.
I want to ensure that I'm considering all aspects of this relationship, not just the intense physical connection. Any advice on what I should be mindful of or consider before moving forward would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your input.
All reactions:
Udiksha Saini
Top Contributor
Okay I need to know how you injured his knees and elbows 
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