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KCR Doesn’t Like Revanth Following Him

Anta Assamey

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Political analysts who are observing the recent political developments in Telangana are of the opinion that the BRS is facing an existential crisis as it is in the midst of a meltdown with a worrisome number of MLAs, MPs, and leaders leaving the party. Two days ago, BRS lost two political seniors Kadiyam Srihari and KK to Congress and this is projected to be a significant blow to the top leadership of BRS.

KCR, who remained tight-lipped about these defections from his party has finally taken the occasion to comment on the matter and he seemed fairly unbothered about it.

KCR blamed Revanth for playing cheap politics by attracting BRS leaders. ‘One or two of our two leaders might join Congress due to the pressure they are exerting. But this is a temporary and unsubstantial win for Congress. BRS is a huge ocean and we will pull through these challenges for sure.’

KCR commented that Revanth Reddy is using ugly language against him and other BRS leaders while he lacks the prowess to run the government.

On the flip side, Congress supporters on social media says it is ironical to see KCR complaint about the CM’s language and MLA/MP defection as these were the exact things he did while he was the CM.

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