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Maro mattilo manikyam Indian-Origin Data Scientist Fired for Allegedly Exploiting Charity Food Banks


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  • pativrata_pavitra changed the title to Maro mattilo manikyam Indian-Origin Data Scientist Fired for Allegedly Exploiting Charity Food Banks

papam kastallo vunnolaki use avutudane chese charity ni , inta kakkurthi gaa use cheyyadam endo. he should be deported to afghanistan discussion review GIF


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11 minutes ago, enigmatic said:

papam kastallo vunnolaki use avutudane chese charity ni , inta kakkurthi gaa use cheyyadam endo. he should be deported to afghanistan discussion review GIF


Twitter says it’s a fake news that he works as DS.


The guy was not a data scientist for TD Canada. He was doing a mandatory internship at the bank for 17 weeks as part of his college program, which ended in 2023. The groceries shown were provided through a university program , not from government-run charity food banks.

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4 minutes ago, 8pm said:

Twitter says it’s a fake news that he works as DS.


The guy was not a data scientist for TD Canada. He was doing a mandatory internship at the bank for 17 weeks as part of his college program, which ended in 2023. The groceries shown were provided through a university program , not from government-run charity food banks.

yep here's the latest update 


Mehul Prajapati, an Indian student in Canada, has been a victim of online hate crimes, including death threats and racial bullying due to fake news being peddled against him and and the broader Indian community.

This is going to be a long read, so grab some popcorn!

If you're Indian, you've likely sensed the sudden surge in online hate speech directed at India and Indians following the October 7th Gaza war. Most of this hate comes from the followers of a specific religious ideology and their associates as a response to the overwhelming support that Indians have shown for Israel. There are literally teams that sit online 24x7 scouring the internet for India-related content, which is then distorted, manipulated, and sensationalized into fake news.

One such content was posted by Mehul Prajapati - a very short video in which he appears to be talking to prospective international students, telling them how the food bank at his university helps him save on groceries. The video further shows around the food bank, and ends with Mehul thankfully expressing how much the food bank has helped him as a student.

Now, this video was quickly picked up by the lurking team and their affiliates and was widely circulated. It was soon discovered by Anna Slatz, a racist, neo-Nazi Canadian activist, who cleverly distorted the narrative of the video and presented it as Mehul trying to steal food from the poor Canadian citizens, abusing the food banks and bragging about it! To support her false narrative, she assigned him a fake job title - “Data Scientist at TD Bank” along with a fake salary figure of $98,000. Soon, she also circulated a fake letter from TD Bank confirming Mehul’s termination, allegedly in response to his unacceptable thieving behavior.

What followed was a relentless, abusive and racist attack on Mehul across all social media platforms by outraged Canadian citizens. He received numerous death threats and he was forced to redact all his social media profiles. Soon, people were seen targeting the whole Indian community with racist and dehumanizing hate speech. The entirety of Indian culture, values, and morals were put to question and degraded incessantly.

Mehul Prajapati locked himself in his dorm room following the death threats. Later, he spoke to some media outlets revealing the truth and his side of the story.

As per media investigations, Mehul never had a full-time job with TD Bank, nor his salary was $98,000. Being on a student visa, he isn’t eligible for any kind of full-time employment. As a part of his course, he was required to do a 4-month internship at TD Bank which ended 4 months back in December 2023. A spokesperson of TD Bank, Lisa Bodnar, has now come forward and confirmed that Mehul wasn’t employed with them, never drew the wrongly claimed $98,000 salary, and also obviously was never fired.

The video also clearly shows Mehul utilizing the food bank at his university, intended exclusively for students and staff, rather than a public food bank designated to aid poor Canadian citizens. However, the university has now come forward in support of Mehul, calling the attack on him “malicious and unacceptable”. They have further clarified that Mehul did not utilize any food bank services—neither a public food bank nor a university-specific one. Instead, he participated in a weekly free distro program facilitated by the university to assist all students facing “food insecurity”. It’s interesting how the university defines food insecurity: (taken from their website)

If you regularly skip meals, or eat smaller quantities at meals, or choose less healthy/other food than you'd like, or have to choose between food and textbooks, rent, bills, or other financial costs, then you may be experiencing food insecurity. You are not alone!

Overall, this episode reflects cheaply and poorly on the Canadians. Indian students of the rich class and the upper middle class do not choose Canada. Their preferred destinations are the US, UK, and other European countries. Those who go to Canada, the vast majority of them come from the lower section of the middle class, often with tight finances. Most of them take big loans, or mortgage their properties, or sell off jewelry and valuables in order to fund their education and stay.

The International education business in Canada is a lucrative one. International students pay 3 times the fees that a Canadian citizen pays for the same education. It adds around $25 billion annually to the Canadian economy and supports more than 200,000 Canadian jobs. To capitalize on this, a lot of shoddy colleges, also know as “diploma mills”, providing worthless degrees have come up all over Canada.

The Canadian government funds organizations that go on recruiting expeditions in rural and semi-urban areas of India, with a special emphasis on the State of Punjab, where I also come from. They sell dreams and lies to unsuspecting prospective students -

“Get a world class degree for cheaper than anywhere else, and get a guaranteed job and settle down in Canada”.

To support this lie, the Canadian government purposefully keeps the funds required by a student to prove they can support themselves in Canada at a ridiculously low $10,000, despite knowing well that it won’t be enough for even 6 months’ worth of sustenance in Canada. Hopeful students fall for this scam, and it’s only after they have landed in Canada that they come to the realization that they can’t survive on this much and need to cut costs and “save money” as much they can, forcing many to turn to distro programs like the one Mehul was using.

But why doesn’t the Canadian government raise the funds requirement to a more realistic $50,000 or $100,000 for a 4-year course and make it easier for everyone, especially for the racist Canadians who burn to ashes at the sight of an international student seeking help at distro programs, but casually laugh off the 3x fees these students pay compared to them?

That’s because Canada’s main selling point is “cheap education in the west” rather than “quality education” unlike the US. This finds takers mainly in the financially constrained students that are brainwashed with lies and inflated with false hope. So, if the government raises the funds requirement, Canada will lose 90% of the international students including those like Mehul Prajapati. The $25 billion coming into Canada each year will be gone and so will the 200,000+ jobs supported by this industry. Canadian professors and educators that are addicted to fat paychecks might leave for better offers in the US or somewhere else, bringing chaos to the already crumbling Canadian universities that are slipping in global rankings year over year.

Thousands of international students come to India each year from neighboring countries and many from Africa. They can be often seen having free meals at our Temples and Gurudwaras, or walking into weddings uninvited, or buying unlimited thalis intended for the poor, but not one has ever been called out, attacked or threatened with death for doing so, even though food prices/cost of living in India is the lowest in the world, lower than every African country. They make hour long videos gleefully talking about it and their Indian audience watch with satisfaction that the students are having a good time here unlike narrow-minded racist Canadians.

So, you are purposefully bringing broke students into Canada by keeping your entry requirements deceptively low, scamming their families out of their life savings and properties for diploma mill degrees, and then you have the cheek to attack and dehumanize them for availing whatever support their universities are willing to offer them? And not just attacking a particular person, but a whole country of 1.4 billion people, half of whom won't be able to tell whether Canada is a country or a bird.

The government scams, and the citizens attack! That’s Canada.

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48 minutes ago, Maggavale said:

 Canada in a single gif 


 if IT market doesnt come back.. don't be surprised to see these things in USA. 

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7 hours ago, Hitman said:

 if IT market doesnt come back.. don't be surprised to see these things in USA. 

May be. One of my previous managers was a 2008 survivor. Horror stories chepetodu 

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