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Men who hookup with random women


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Don't you feel scared of the what if's

What if after the deed you are back home and she randomly messages you that " it was not consensual and give me "x" amount of money to keep my mouth shut"

What if she has a rowdy boyfriend, which you don't know about and he starts threatening you

What if she says it was all forced and she was drunk

What if she gets pregnant?

Because I know cases where women just start blackmailing and even put them in jail under false rape cases.

Because the laws in this country are already shitty for men

How can you trust random women?

What are the green flags you see before doing the deed?

I'm not saying all women are like that but the risk is always there ...

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I had sex with a girl this month, she paid the bill. This happened in November with a different girl. (Not that I don't have money to pay the bill but I didn't need to)

I don't understand why guys are on about "have money to have sex" nonsense. That's not true at all. You can still score without being rich.

I honestly think girls who sleep around just because some guy has money are both brain dead and definitely bad at sex provided it's a casual sex thing. If she's a prostitute ...sure more power to her.

Here's the code gentlemen "Be Hot, Be Respectful, Learn how to communicate (i.e listen and then talk), Work on your goals i.e don't put sex on a pedestal and let it rule your life. (You don't need money for these things)

Special mention: Learn MMA. You'll be irresistible.

Where do you find girls : Definitely not Tinder or Bumble. 80% of men are competing to get 20% of women on those platforms. Not a good idea. The other 80% of women compete for the 20% of men. You don't land in this 20% with just money.

As I said have a life, you'll meet hundreds of people, you'll have hundreds of natural situations to start a conversation, take them.

Don't give much importance to sex, It'll come to u. If you find someone you find attractive, flirt , talk, listen give it 20 days. Don't reply to her every text. Don't be desperate... she'll be dying to be with you. Be a human being ffs.

Be firm about not having a relationship, you both should know for sure. Also it's horrible to have sex with someone you know nothing about, it's 100x post nut realisation. You can't wait to get out of there. Trust me.

Don't let not having money in your early 20s stop you from exploring sex. But be on a path to be rich being poor isn't a virtue either.

Me and my friend have had multiple offers, it's not that difficult. This isn't about having pickup skills or whatever the **, make yourself attractive.

There is a narrow view that a 10 is a 10 just because of her looks. You won't get amazing sex with just her looks alone, she should also be open to things, open to experiment, trust you, be trustworthy. Iykwim

Only losers will have sex with someone for money.. be it a man or a woman and only virgins think without money u can't get laid. .

Ahhh I missed Reddit. Ciao Gentlemen... Go get it.

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I agree. I have been with a lot of women ages of 23 to 33 and especially from Bumble. I can confirm this. Just to addon to his point most of these women have a very high notch count and literally broken and torn apart emotionally. More over you can literally smell the stinch of another man on her. Man it's ugly. 🤢

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appened more than 6 months ago

I met a girl on tinder and had my first ever hook up arranged. It was the 3rd time we were gonna meet. She gave a fake alias as 'Shayla'. So I've never had sex before so to be prepared I went to a pharmacy and just pointed at a box of Durex. It read Extra time. He handed it over, i paid and left home.

She texted me she just got off work and will start in an hour. I thought I'd test it out and put it on. It was loose and slippery I don't know if that's normal but it felt weird and lengthwise it didn't even unwrap half way i think. I measured my dong and it read exactly 6" to the tip and about 1" width. I thought I was average but this condom made mine look like a human dong trying a horse condom. As I unwrapped the whole thing it's length was about a feet! A goddamn feet!!! 12 inches!

Anyways I thought i should get rid of it and decided to wash before throwing away. After washing i had a weird idea that i should pour some water in it and freeze it coz why not. I have a fridge and i live alone.

After 2 hours she entered my home and we hugged and while I turned on the TV she went straight to fridge, gulped down some cold water and opened the refrigerator looking for some ice for whisky later and she saw my ice dildo horse condom. I don't know what she thought but all I heard was a scream and a shatter. And she shouted 'WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?! WHOSE WAS IT?!" Before i could reply she screamed again "OMG DON'T CALL ME AGAIN" and left.

Now my fridge stopped working because she spilled the water from bottle all over and she has unmatched me on Tinder and we never exchanged any other info and she knows where I live. I hope she didn't think Im like BTK or something.

I felt like I should jump off my 11th floor balcony.

Edit: Shayla if you're reading this, I don't know what you thought but please don't out my real name and location. 🙏

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I'm not a fan of casual relationships. I've never been in one. But yeah I did install dating apps! I used bumble. The first week I got lots of matches and then it was like 4-5 a week Max (i was swiping easily at least 20 a day). And none really converted to proper relationships, and tbh almost everyone I met wasn't looking for anything serious. Half were just cuz they were bored, the other half didn't want anything serious.

I did stay with someone for a while tho! We hooked up for a week and I assumed it was a full fledged relationship and she told me it was casual for her while she was in the city so fml that hurt.

Now I personally didn't have a lot cuz I have been single for a while (cuz of work, and I don't hook up casually), but she did tell me that her friends were going on dates and tinder is huge in blore.

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