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Trump doesn't understand tariffs


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I have a small business making drums. I was getting the fiberglass shells made here in Los Angeles. 10 years ago the price went from $60 to $90. So I sourced them from China, they were $18.50 Now they are up to $30 in China, During covid the shipping went up 10 times so I thought I would try get them made here again. All the quotes I got were for $250 or more. $30 China, $250 here, Even a 100% tariff would not make it competitive to buy them made in US. All the tariff will do is raise the cost and thus the price of the product I sell. I'm sure it works the same for companies a thousand times bigger than mine.

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w84985 hours ago

In 2014, Buffalo, NY's BAK USA became the first US manufacturer of tablets. In 2018, BAK USA declared bankruptcy. Owner J.P. Bak said this about the company (77 employees): "While we are beyond proud of Bak USA's many successes, the business did not reach the point of profitability necessary to sustain itself. The additional, unanticipated expenses associated with the tariffs imposed by the White House (Trump) were a deciding factor in our ultimate decision to close."

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