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Forced Hindu conversions in India


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28 minutes ago, futureofandhra said:

Aryan theory is bs 

Show me DNA difference 


Dna results of jaats ,a dominant north indian farming community,notice the steppe.

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29 minutes ago, futureofandhra said:

Aryan theory is bs 

Show me DNA difference 



Dna results of telugu farming communites - negligible steppe .

Indus valley is modelled as aasi plus zagrosian ,but this testing sevice is not completely good at seperating aasi from indus valley and aasi outside ivc so dont worry about that.only worry about central steppe(aryan dna).

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1 minute ago, Teluguredu said:



Dna results of telugu farming communites - negligible steppe .

Indus valley is modelled as aasi plus zagrosian ,but this testing sevice is not completely good at seperating aasi from indus valley and aasi outside ivc so dont worry about that.only worry about central steppe(aryan dna).

While I don't deny the DNA make up from migrations, at this point of time there is a lot mixing. Why not embrace it instead? 

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Just now, CanadianMalodu said:

While I don't deny the DNA make up from migrations, at this point of time there is a lot mixing. Why not embrace it instead? 

different cultures can't co exist and be successful ,it's better for a homogenous ethnic nation.the difference between these 2 communities is probably even more than swedish and italians .

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6 minutes ago, Teluguredu said:

different cultures can't co exist and be successful ,it's better for a homogenous ethnic nation.the difference between these 2 communities is probably even more than swedish and italians .

European cultures merged in US, Canada and Australia. India can see such a merger as well. Besides, religion is far more unifying factors than the culture. This is why Islam was able to unite a lot of different ethnic groups under its banner.

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14 minutes ago, CanadianMalodu said:

European cultures merged in US, Canada and Australia. India can see such a merger as well. Besides, religion is far more unifying factors than the culture. This is why Islam was able to unite a lot of different ethnic groups under its banner.

Even there, the dominating force are British people ,rest  just accepted the domination of British.more than 75% president's were from British ancestry and spoken language is English.

There is a difference between Britishers dominating native people first and other Europeans migrating there to Britishers native countries of those Europeans .

Religion is a weak uniting force lol,it has no basis ,do you think middle easterns even care about south asian muslims? Or Europeans care about south asian Christians ,the Arabs only responded to nupur sharma when she criticized their religion but they don't care if muslims die in some riot 

if religion was a strong unified you would have seen united muslim confederation spread from middle East to West Asia to north Africa but it didn't happen.

Most of middle easterners themselves don't like each other.

You can see ethnicity problem in Belgium itself where there are both french and dutch people and they had to bring in multiple laws just for 2 ethnicities to co exist together .imagine india with a 100 plus major ethnicities.

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40 minutes ago, Teluguredu said:

different cultures can't co exist and be successful ,it's better for a homogenous ethnic nation.the difference between these 2 communities is probably even more than swedish and italians .

Who is different culture again? Jats and Dravidians?

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6 minutes ago, 11_MohanReddy said:

Based on your logic America should be balkanized

Balkanised based on what ? Lol there is no native culture as such in America.its has a British dominated culture and other Europeans slowly started settling in.


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9 minutes ago, Teluguredu said:

Balkanised based on what ? Lol there is no native culture as such in America.its has a British dominated culture and other Europeans slowly started settling in.


In China, they killed all ethnicities and promoted Han ethnicities. So it is more stable than India. But if the source of worship for Jats and Dravidians are the same, why can't they coexist 

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7 minutes ago, 11_MohanReddy said:

In China, they killed all ethnicities and promoted Han ethnicities. So it is more stable than India. But if the source of worship for Jats and Dravidians are the same, why can't they coexist 

China killed other ethnicities long before ,they had a civilisation continued for 2000 years with han as majority.

They can't ,it's like asking why saudi and algeria aren't a single country or why Sweden and italy aren't a single country.

I am telling you this country will remain to be a trash shithole as long as it continues to be a country, there is no sense of nationalism cause this country is an artificial one based on nothing.

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Just now, Teluguredu said:

China killed other ethnicities long before ,they had a civilisation continued for 3000 years with han as majority.

They can't ,it's like asking why saudi and algeria aren't a single country or why Sweden and italy aren't a single country.

I am telling you this country will remain to be a trash shithole as long as it continues to be a country, there is no sense of nationalism cause this country is an artificial one based on nothing.

You don't have an issue with USA but you have an issue with India with even less genetic diversity lol. 23 and Me chepinchukunte they don't even have a difference in DNA between Pakistan and India. India if anything is known for the lack of genetic diversity due to marrying in the same caste. 

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12 minutes ago, 11_MohanReddy said:

You don't have an issue with USA but you have an issue with India with even less genetic diversity lol. 23 and Me chepinchukunte they don't even have a difference in DNA between Pakistan and India. India if anything is known for the lack of genetic diversity due to marrying in the same caste. 

you aren't even making sense.first of all usa has 75% white people atleast who are much similar to each other than north indians to south indians .secondly u.s culture is predominantly british all other ethnic people are later settlers.

Also Pakistanis in general are closer to indo aryans from gujarat to bihar(east-west)and gujarat to kashmir (north - south) than north indians are to south indians.only Bengalis ,maharastrians and odiyas might be closer to south indians than Pakistanis.

It's not even 23 and me ,it's illustrative dna, 23 and me is trash for south asia.

And 23 and me is mostly used for identifying genetic risks more than to find ancestral populations.

Usually the best is qapdm being run by us but the results depend on the model chosen by the person so illustrative is more uniform and easier to use.

I have been doing this for years lol ,don't tell me about these tools.

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15 minutes ago, 11_MohanReddy said:

You don't have an issue with USA but you have an issue with India with even less genetic diversity lol. 23 and Me chepinchukunte they don't even have a difference in DNA between Pakistan and India. India if anything is known for the lack of genetic diversity due to marrying in the same caste. 

How are you even going to balkanise u.s lol ,all of the states have predominantly british culture ,you can atleast make a case for Canada cause of French dominated areas.

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