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Banned Ads in India


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Banned Indian ads

If there was a hotness quotient for advertising, most Indian ads would at best rate as tepid. But then, for the authorities even the tepid occassionally gets unbearably hot and the cold water follows soon. We take a look back at the ads that were deemed unfit for public consumption.

The most notorious ad that still remains embedded in the consciousness of the ad-aware Indian is that of a nude Milind Soman and Madhu Sapre along with a python for company.


The campaign with the two models attired only in Tuffs Shoes rubbed many the wrong way, and for the ones growing up in the 1990s - an eye opener.


In the same not-so-innocent 1990s Pooja Bedi played a hot game of chess and had a steamy shower with Marc Robinson while Viveka Babajee and Inder Sudan went wild under a waterfall, all to sell condoms appropriately branded - Kamasutra. This made Pooja Bedi a household name and was perhaps Viveka Babajee's solitary claim to fame.


The ads created quite a furore - questions were asked in the Parliament, banned on Doordarshan and complaints sent to the Advertising Standards Council of India.


The October 1991 issue of Debonair magazine sold out in a matter of days. The reason, the issue carried ads, featuring Pooja Bedi and Marc Robinson, for the just-launched Kamasutra Condoms.


This was not the first time that the Ministry was up in arms against advertisements that it found incongruous with the standards of decency and propriety.


Lux Cozy was also in the news in July 2007 when the I&B Ministry had issued orders banning it ad along with the much discussed Amul Macho Yeh to bada twaing hain ad. A few months earlier, in April 2007, orders were issued against the broadcasting of Gen-X undergarments

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Banned Indian ads

If there was a hotness quotient for advertising, most Indian ads would at best rate as tepid. But then, for the authorities even the tepid occassionally gets unbearably hot and the cold water follows soon. We take a look back at the ads that were deemed unfit for public consumption.

The most notorious ad that still remains embedded in the consciousness of the ad-aware Indian is that of a nude Milind Soman and Madhu Sapre along with a python for company.


The campaign with the two models attired only in Tuffs Shoes rubbed many the wrong way, and for the ones growing up in the 1990s - an eye opener.


In the same not-so-innocent 1990s Pooja Bedi played a hot game of chess and had a steamy shower with Marc Robinson while Viveka Babajee and Inder Sudan went wild under a waterfall, all to sell condoms appropriately branded - Kamasutra. This made Pooja Bedi a household name and was perhaps Viveka Babajee's solitary claim to fame.


The ads created quite a furore - questions were asked in the Parliament, banned on Doordarshan and complaints sent to the Advertising Standards Council of India.


The October 1991 issue of Debonair magazine sold out in a matter of days. The reason, the issue carried ads, featuring Pooja Bedi and Marc Robinson, for the just-launched Kamasutra Condoms.


This was not the first time that the Ministry was up in arms against advertisements that it found incongruous with the standards of decency and propriety.


Lux Cozy was also in the news in July 2007 when the I&B Ministry had issued orders banning it ad along with the much discussed Amul Macho Yeh to bada twaing hain ad. A few months earlier, in April 2007, orders were issued against the broadcasting of Gen-X undergarments


last ad i think i saw on tv

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