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SAS online course!!!!!!


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We are offering sas online course at reasonable price. We also provide study material and  give you exposure  to attend SAS certification program. Course contents are as follows. For more details please contact us at preessoft@gmail.com.

[b][color=purple]Part1:  Basic concepts[/color][/b]
[color=teal]1. Introduction to Base sas[/color]
- Overview
- Components of base sas
[color=teal]2. Explore the workspace/understanding sas session[/color]
- Explorer window
- Editor window
- Log window
- Output window
- Results window
[color=teal]3. Sas programs[/color]
- Components of sas program
- Characteristics of sas program
- Layout of sas program
- Processing of sas program
- Log, output, results
[color=teal]4. Sas libraries[/color]
- How sas files are stored
- Creating libraries
- Storing files temporarily/permanently
- Referencing sas files
[color=teal]5. Sas datasets[/color]
- Overview of dataset
- Descriptor portion
- Data portion
- Attributes
- Missing values
- Temporary and permanent sas datasets

[b][color=purple]Part2: Getting your data into sas[/color][/b]
[color=teal]1. Introduction to data step processing[/color]
- Overview n sas dataset
- How the data step works
- Supplying information to create sas dataset
- How to read the data: styles of input
- Indicating the location of your data
[color=teal]2. Starting with raw data: basics[/color]
- List input method
- Column method
- Formatted method
- Mixed method
[color=teal]3. Starting with raw data: beyond the basics[/color]
- Line-hold specifiers
- Column pointers
- Line pointers
- Format modifiers
[color=teal]4. Starting with sas datasets[/color]
- Understanding the basics
- Reading selected observations/variables
- Keeping/dropping selected variables
- Creating more than one dataset in single data step
[b][color=purple]Part3: Basic Programming [/color][/b]
[color=teal]1. Understanding data step processing[/color]
- Understanding assignment statement
- Making uniform changes to data by creating variable
- Adding information to  some  observations but not others
- Making uniform changes to data without creating variables
- Using variables efficiently and Conditionally deleting observations
[color=teal]2. Working with numeric variables[/color]
- About numeric variables in sas
- Calculating with numeric variables
- Comparing numeric variables
- Storing numeric variables efficiently
[color=teal]3. Working with character variables[/color]
- About character variables in sas
[color=teal]4. Acting on selected observations[/color]
- Understanding the selection process
- Selecting observations based on condition
- Understanding construct conditions
- Comparing characters
[color=teal]5. Creating subsets of observations[/color]
- Selecting observations for a new dataset
- Conditionally writing multiple observations to one or more sas datasets
[color=teal]6. Working with grouped or sorted observations[/color]
- Understanding the basics of grouping data
- Working with grouped data
- Working with sorted data
[color=teal]7. Using more than one observation in a calculation[/color]
- Cumulating total for an entire dataset
[color=teal]8. Finding shortcuts in sas programming[/color]
- Performing more than one action in an if-then statement/do-loops
- Performing the same action for series of variables/arrays
[color=teal]9. Working with dates[/color]
- Understanding how sas handles dates
- Entering dates
- Displaying dates
[b][color=purple]Part4: Combining sas datasets[/color][/b]
[color=teal]1. Concatenating[/color]
[color=teal]2. Interleaving[/color]
[color=teal]3. Merging[/color]
[color=teal]4. Updating[/color]
[color=teal]5. Modifying[/color]
[color=teal]6. Conditionally processing observations from multiple sas datasets[/color]
[b][color=purple]Part5: Procedures[/color][/b]
- Contents -Copy  -Append -Datasets -Sort
- Format -Print -Options -Transpose -Import
- Export -Freq -Tabulate -Report -Means
- Summary -Sql -Gplot -Gchart -Univariate
[b][color=purple]Part6: Understanding your sas session[/color][/b]
[color=teal]1. Analyzing your sas session with the sas log[/color]
[color=teal]2. Directing sas output and sas log[/color]
[color=teal]3. Diagnosing and avoiding errors[/color]
[b][color=purple]Part7: Designing your own output[/color][/b]
[color=teal]1. Writing lines to the sas log or output file
[color=teal]2. Understanding and customizing sas output: the basics
[color=teal]3. Output delivery system[/color]
[b][color=purple]Part8: Macros[/color][/b]
[color=teal]1. Introduction to macro facility[/color]
[color=teal]2. Macro processing[/color]
[color=teal]3. Macro variables[/color]
[color=teal]4. Scope of macro variables[/color]
[color=teal]5. Macro expressions and Macro quoting[/color]
[color=teal]6. Interfaces with macro facility[/color]
[color=teal]7. Storing and reusing macros[/color]
[color=teal]8. Macro facility error messages and debugging[/color]
[b][color=purple]Part9: Sql[/color][/b]
[color=teal]1. Introduction to the sql procedure
- What is the sql procedure?
- Terminology
- Comparing proc sql with the sas data step
[color=teal]2. Retrieving data from a single table

- Overview of the select statement
- Selecting columns in a table
- Creating new columns
- Sorting data
- Retrieving rows that satisfy a condition
- Summarizing data
- Grouping data
- Filtering grouped data
- Validating a query
[color=teal]3. Retrieving data from multiple tables

- Introduction
- Selecting data from more than one table by using joins
- Using sub queries to select data
- When to use joins and sub queries
- Combining queries with set operators
[color=teal]4. Creating and updating tables and views
- Introduction
- Creating tables
- Inserting rows into tables
- Updating data values in a table
- Deleting rows
- Altering columns
- Creating an index
- Deleting a table
- Using sql procedure tables in sas software
- Creating and using integrity constraints in a table
- Creating and using proc sql views
[color=teal]5. Programming with the sql procedure
- Introduction
- Using proc sql options to create and debug queries
- Improving query performance
- Accessing sas system information using dictionary tables
- Using proc sql with the sas macro facility
- Formatting proc sql output using the report procedure
- Accessing a dbms with sas/access software
- Using the output delivery system (ods) with proc sql

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