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A Trainer

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Dear Students

I am offering C#.NET Online Training. Interested students can contact me  for course curriculum, fee, timings etc.

The duration of the course is 35 days.
Day wise Course Curriculum for C#.NET :

Day 1  Introduct ion .NET Platform, Elements of .NET Platform, Common Language Runtime, .NET Base Class Library, Common Type System, The First Program, Comand Line Arguments
Day 2  Data types, Type Safety, Type Conversio n, Console I/O, Operators, Control Instructi ons, Loops, Procedure s, Call be Ref, Call by Val, Differenc e between Procedura l & OO Programmi ng, Classes & Objects, Access Specifier s, Reference s, Construct ors, Output Type, Parameter Type
Day 3  this keyword, Differenc e between readonly and const , Inheritan ce, base keyword, Operator Overloadi ng
Day 4  Namesspac es, Arrays-Rectangular & Jagged, For Each-in loop, Passing Arrays to Methods,  System.Ar ray Class, System.St ring Class
Day 5  Enumerati ons, Propertie s, Abstract Propertie s, Indexers, Exception al Handling, Creating Custom Exception classes
Day  6 Collectio ns Namespace, Stack, Queue, Hashtable, Dictionar y, IEnumerat or
Day 7 WinForms - GDI+
Day  8  GDI+ - Transform ation s, Processin g Mouse & Keyboard Input, Events & Delegates
Day 9  Controls, Employee Form, Builing UI
Day 10  User Controls, Building applicati on with MSAgent COM component
Day 11  SDI, Menus, Toolbars, Statusbar s
Day 12  File I/O & Serializa tion, MDI
Day 13  Threading, How to launch threads, Thread States, Thread Prioritie s, Foregroun d and Backgroun d Threads
Day 14  Synchroni zatio n using Synclock, Monitor, Mutex, Events, R-W Locks and Interlock ed mechanism, Thread Pooling
Day 15  Multithre ading-Synchronization, Thread Pooling, Assemblie s, Static Linking, Dynamic linking, Dll Hell, Disadvant ages of DLLs, COM
Day 16  Assemblie s & Manifests, Creating and Using Private & Shared Assemblie s, Deploymen t, Delayed Signing
Day 17  Versionin g, Redirecti on, Applicati on Domains, Language Interoper abili ty, COM Interoper abili ty
Day 18  Networkin g Basics, TCP/IP chat, UDP
Day 19  Internet, Http GET and POST, Request, Response, Uploading an Downlaodi ng files using WebClient
Day 20  Software Architect ure, ADO.NET Architect ure,  SQL.NET and OLE DB.NET Data Providers, Creating & Accessing Stored Procedure
Day 21  Writing Image to Database, Accessing BLOB, Connected & Disconnec ted Approache s, Using DataGrid Control, Declarati ve and Programma tic Transacti ons
Day 22  XML, XML & ADO.NET, XML Document Parser, XML Reader, XML Writer
Day 23  Web Architect ure, Pros & Cons of Server Scripts/Programs, ASP.NET, Creating ASP.NET Applicati ons, Server Controls
Day 24  Validatio n Controls, Accessing Database Through ASP.NET Applicati on, Web User Controls
Day 25  ASP.NET State Managemen t Models, Session States, State Managemen t Through Database, Cookiless State Managemen t

Email : [email protected]
Ph : +91-9660567626(M)
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