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Java New Batch On 16th Oct 2011


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[indent=2]Following Topics will be covered , [/indent] [indent=2] [b] 1. Core Java[/b][/indent][indent=4][b]a. JAVA Instillation[/b][/indent][indent=4][b]b. JAVA Command line options[/b][/indent][indent=4][b]c. Install and Start Eclipse[/b][/indent][indent=4][b]d. Introduction to JAVA & Java Syntax[/b][/indent][indent=4][b]e. Object-Oriented Programming in Java[/b][/indent][indent=4][b]f. New Features in JDK 1.5[/b][/indent][indent=4][b]g. Java Collections framework , Exception handling and File Systems[/b][/indent]
[b]2. Accessing Databases with JDBC[/b]
[b]3. Introduction to HTML[/b]
[b]4. Install and Configure Tomcat[/b]
[b]5. Manual Deployment of Web applications to tomcat[/b]
[b]6. Working Tomcat from Eclipse[/b]
[b]7. Servlet Programming[/b]
[b]8. JSP Programming[/b]
[b]9. Struts Programming[/b]
[b]10. Hibernate (Including basics of JPA) programming[/b]
[b]11. Understanding the Application servers (Jboss and Weblogic)[/b]
[b]12. Deploying applications on JBoss and Weblogic Application servers.[/b]
[b]13. Developing Enterprise Applications with Spring[/b]
[b]14. Introduction to Design patterns[/b]
[b]15. Introduction to Web-services.[/b]

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