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Obiee Online Training From India


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Dear Students

I am offering OBIEE Online training @ very low cost. Interested candidates can reach me at [email protected] for further details.

Here is the course curriculum :
 OBIEE Administrator Architecture:
 Creation of the ODBC Data Source Name (System DSN) for
Different Databases at Operating System Administrator
 ODBC connectivity between Database and Oracle BI
 Development of RPD (Repository Directory) file at OBI

 Repository creation

 Physical layer: development of physical diagram (ROLAP) using physical objects.
 Import tables from different databases
 Connection pool verification
 Working with type conversion and referential integrity in physical layer.
 Working with new foreign key and complex join in Physical diagram.
 Business model and mapping layer (MOLAP): development of
logical diagram using logical fact tables and logical dimensional
• For standard requirements (detailed),
• Multi dimensional requirements (summarized) using arithmetic operators, aggregate functions
• Case statement generation (IF statement, IF-ELSE statement, SWITCH statement
• Working with various join types( Inner, Left outer, Right outer and Full outer)
• Creation of global filters
 Develop the dimensions for drill down analysis (multi dimensional
 analysis)
 Development Meta Data in Business Model for Business Requirements
 Converting the technical columns information into end user
 Overview of various facts (measures) in BMM layer.
 Presentation layer: Divide or Recombine the Meta data created in
the Business Model for easy analysis
 Working with Repository and Session Variables.
 Working with OBI ODBC client.
 Overview on OBI server architecture.
 RPD file configuration at OBI Server Level
 Utilities
 Security creation of repository
 Row updations
 Internal Process at Server level (conversion of Business query in to SQL query)
 User alteration at Database level

Project Development:

 OLAP Specifications
 Development of Business Requirement Specifications (BRS)
 Development of Reporting Requirement Specifications(RRS)

Oracle Answers and Interactive Dashboards:

 Selection of the Subject Area
 Creation of the Excel Sheet for Reporting Requirement Specifications using Business Requirement Specifications
 Develop the Request in the Criteria
 Generate the Reports using Results
 Develop the logical calculations using advanced tab (set sql format)

 Reports:

 Ad-hoc reports
 Standard reports
 Dashboard reports.

Generate customized reports and override reports in different formats.
a. Query Optimization
b. Report Optimization
 2-dimensional
 Multi dimensional
 List reports
 Chart reports
 Line chart reports
 Bar chart reports
 Pie-chart reports
 Cross-Tab reports
 Working with various variables
 Repository
 Session
 Presentation
 Prompts (advance filters)
 Cascading prompts
 Dash board reports
 Page prompts
 Testing the prompts with single Go button
 Combined the requests from the different subject areas using set operators like
Union, Intersect etc.
 case statement generation (IF statement, IF-ELSE statement, SWITCH statement
 Filters (Global and Local filters)
 Generation of Expression and Aggregated functions
 Download the reports in PPT and Excel sheet, etc formats
 Working with direct database connection
 Working with prompts in direct database request.

 Interactive dashboards

 Creation of the folder for different requests
 Scheduling the reports
 Generation of the iBots
 Dashboard Management
 Tabs creation for multiple Dashboards
 Creation of the pages for different Dashboards
 Installation of Oracle 10g and Configuration Schemas at DBA level
 Installation of OBI Administrator.

 Working with BI Publisher.

 Create a JDBC connection to access repository file and database.
 Create report request
 Create data model
 Working with query builder
 Create row set
 Create templates
 Working with Analyzer
 Working with Analyzer for Excel
 Working with Studio to generate list reports, chart and cross-tab reports.

Ph : +91-9660567626(M)

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