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Computer Graphics Interview Questions & Answers


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Hai all,,,,,

Here are some Graphics Interview Questions & Answers.

1. What are the differences between PICT, TIFF, and JPEG images?
Ans:- Download photos to your computer as a Jpeg file. Obviously the digital camera manufacturers see the value in high quality images that ultimately take up less space. GIF- Graphics Interchange Format Gif on the original Apple Macintosh computer as its standard metafile format. It allows the interchange of graphics both bitmapped and vector, and some limited text support, between Mac applications, and was the native.

2.What is multimedia wat is the advantage in this course?
Ans:- Of computers to present text, graphics, video, animation, and sound in an integrated way. Long touted as the future revolution in computing, multimedia applications were, until the mid-90s, uncommon due of computers to present text, graphics, video, animation, and sound in an integrated way. Long touted as the futurerevolution in computing, multimedia applications were, until the mid-90s, uncommon due.

[url="http://www.coolinterview.com/type.asp?iType=826"]more details...[/url]

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