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well, satya narayana... i did lyk ur documentry...but buddy i guess u missed a point or so....d case of poverty doesnt arise here....as it is d polluted water or flourinated water datz causing d problem....so it is d water issue dat needs 2 b addressed in d affected region...nd comin 2 ur title of [b]dreadful fate[/b]!!! ...buddy can u enlighten me...as to jusss  how many cases hv u come across who r physicaly deformed and mentally unstable juss becoz of flouride water...my guess wld b very few....had u taken oda things into consideration....it cud hv been much betta... but newayz buddy...all d best fo ur future work....

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*=: *=: you rock you rock

I hope this documentary serves as a eye opener for our so called leaders and politicians... and hope they would come up with a solution for this problem.

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