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Free Online Java/j2Ee Training Opts. No Commitment/no Need To Join!


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My friend's company is doing free online Java/JavaEE training. The training is free and there is no compulsion to join the company or anything. No questions will be asked for OPTs. It is completely online and completely free. At the end of training if you are interested in placement with them, they will take care of the placement. If you want to go on your own, that's fine too. Here are the course contents. If you are interested please email me at [email="[email protected]"][email protected][/email]

[b][font=TimesNewRoman,Bold]Java/J2EE Training[/font][/b]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 1. OOPS concepts[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 2. Basic Concepts – Objects, Classes, Interfaces, Packages, Variables, Datatypes[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 3. Basic Concepts – Access Modifiers, Operators, Flow Control[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 4. Advanced Concepts – Collections/Generics, File I/O[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 5. Multi Threading[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 6. Swing[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 7. JDBC, JNDI[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 8. Servlets[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 9: Servlets/JSPs[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 10: Servlets/JSPs[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 11: Servlets/JSPs[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 12: EJBs[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 13. EJBs[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 14. EJBs[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 15. Application Servers – Installation, deployment (Tomcat, JBoss, Weblogic,[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 16. Sample Application using Java, JSP, Servlets, JDBC and EJBs[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 17. XML concepts - XSD, DTD, SAX, DOM[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 18. Advanced XML concepts - JAXP, JAXB[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 19. Web Services Concepts – SOAP, WSDL[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 20. Creating and Consuming WebServices- JAX-WS[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 21. Creating and Consuming WebServices - Apache Axis[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 22. JSF Basic Concepts[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 23. JSF Creating MVC Web Applications[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 24. Spring Inversion of Control[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 25. Spring Aspect Oriented Programming[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 26. Spring Web Framework Web MVC[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 27. Spring Spring DAO, JDBC templates[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 28. Hibernate ORM introduction, architecture, O/R Mapping[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 29. Hibernate O/R Mapping Contd.., Transactions[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 30. Hibernate HQL[/font]
[font=TimesNewRoman]Session 31. Sample Application[/font]

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