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What Is Forex


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[url=http://www.state-of-forex.com] What is Forex [/url]
Imagine that you live in the U.S.A. and that you went for vacation to Germany (just for example) when you reach your destination you have in your pocket 2,000 USD (United States Dollar), the problem is that in Germany they don’t use dollars – so you will need the Euro (EUR) to buy anything. So, what you should do next is to go to the bank and exchange your USD for EUR or, speaking Forex language, you SELL to the Bank your currency (in our example your currency is USD) and the bank pays you (BUY) in Euros. So far, so good; days are passing and you spend a nice time in Germany. As your vacation nears its end you notice that there are still 400 EUR left in your wallet, and you know that back home in the U.S.A. Euros are useless to you, so you decide again to go to the bank and convert your 400 EUR back to USD or, speaking again Forex language, you want to BUY USD from the Bank.
That is not my article, but you can continue reading it here [url=http://www.state-of-forex.com] What is Forex [/url]
Hope it helped.

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