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A Woman Who Did Cesarean Operation By Herself......


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[center][size=5][font=verdana, geneva, sans-serif][img]http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/559395_466559066694402_290897664260544_102587144_778135188_n.jpg[/img][/font][/size][/center]

[center][size=5][font=verdana, geneva, sans-serif][img]http://www.theunnecesarean.com/storage/inez_ruiz_ramirez_orlando.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1257192596636[/img][/font][/size][/center]

[center][size=5][font=verdana, geneva, sans-serif][color=#333333][left]Inés Ramírez Pérez (born 1960) is a Mexican woman from the state of Oaxaca who gained media attention after performing a successful Caesarean section on herself in 2000, making her the only person known to have done so successfully.[/left][/color]
[color=#333333][left]Ines Ramírez Pérez is a peasant living in rural Mexico. She speaks Zapotec and some Spanish. She had no medic[/left][/color][color=#333333][left]al training, but nevertheless performed a successful Caesarean section on herself: both she and her baby survived.
Ramírez was alone in her cabin in Rio Talea, Southern Mexico, when her labour started. The nearest midwife was more than 50 miles away over rough terrain and rough roads. Her husband, who had assisted her through her previous labours, was drinking at a cantina. Rio Talea has 500 people and only one phone, but it was not nearby. Ramírez had given birth to eight children, seven living, at the time of the pregnancy in question. The last pregnancy, three years prior, had ended in fetal death during labor. Rather than experience the loss of another child in the same way, Ramírez decided to operate on herself.
The operation
At midnight, on 5 March 2000 — after 12 hours of continual pain, Ramírez sat down on a bench and drank three small glasses of hard liquor. She then used a 15 centimetres (5.9 in) kitchen knife to cut open her abdomen in a total of three attempts. Ramírez cut through her skin in a 17 centimetres (6.7 in) vertical line several centimeters to the right of her navel, starting near the bottom of the ribs and ending near the pubic area. (For comparison: a typical C-section incision is 10 cm long, horizontal and well below the navel, the so-called "bikini-line incision".) After operating on herself for an hour, she reached inside her uterus and pulled out her baby boy. She then severed the umbilical cord with a pair of scissors and became unconscious. She used clothes to bandage her wound after regaining consciousness, and sent her son to find help.[/left][/color][/font][/size][/center]

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