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Samsung Announces 75-Inch Es9000 Smart Tv For Korea, With Similarly Gi


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Anyone looking to fill half of their lounge with Samsung LCD just got a new size to choose. The 75-inch ES9000 is the bigger brother of the ES8000 that we saw earlier this year and ahead of the official launch in Korea, we managed to get an early eyes-on at a Samsung event held yesterday in London. In short, if you loved the LED-backlit display of the 55-inch model, you're going to adore the ES9000, which features the same smart TV brains alongside a retractable webcam unit housed on the top edge. The picture was pleasingly rich and sharp -- presumably due to the aforementioned backlighting and the ES series' edge-to-edge design. The bezel is a mere 7.9mm and Samsung has decided to coat the frame in a gentle Rose Gold coating which, due to the TV's slightly shady location, was a little trickier to pick out. That premium finish is matched by a premium price tag, however, and will hit checkbooks for 19.8 million won (around $17,450). Despite the UK appearance, retailer John Lewis (which hosted the event) couldn't confirm whether retail models would be coming to its stores in the future. But if you can afford 75 inches of TV, you can also afford a quick flight to Seoul to pick one up.

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[quote name='Little Star' timestamp='1341505050' post='1302082405']
naa pelli ki nee gift ide :D

deenamma..theatre lu ammutharemo konni rojulu aagithe

[img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6nbfljNMC1rzz3r3o1_400.gif[/img] manchiga india trip couple of times

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