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Free Ba Training For Opts,cpts/with Placements.


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Course Contents

Business Analyst Role, Object Oriented Analysis &Design (OOAD)


Rational Unified Process

Business model

Use case model


Elicitation Techniques

Requirements documentation (BRD, SRS etc...)

Requirements verification

Systems thinking – Big picture view

Negotiation skills

Translation of requirements to design

Data Modelling and Data Analysis


What is Business Analysis?



A look at different viewpoints


What is being analysed?


What’s the goal?


Current trends in business analysis


Key concepts




Reconciled to common understanding within the organization

The Role of the BA

The relationship of business analysis to project management


Differentiating between business analysis and other “analyst” roles


Customer Needs & IT Needs



The Skill Set Of A BA


The BA’s Core Knowledge Set

The Practice of Business Analysis

BA Responsibilities


Requirements Gathering


Software Engineering Process Models


· Water Fall Model

· Spiral Methodology

· Agile (more evolved, RAD session: reverse-engineer session)

· Incremental Model

· RUP (Rational Unified Process

Modelling using UML


· UML Defined

· UML History

· UML diagrams

· UML modelling mechanisms

· Reviews

Diagnosing the Business Environment (Enterprise analysis)

Business problem solving



Understanding the business environment

Capturing business initiatives across the enterprise


Diagnosing a business problem or opportunity (i.e.; business initiative)


Definition of a problem



Finding and verifying true causes


Techniques to identify business problems and causes Workflow modelling

Gap Analysis


Requirements Definition and Documentation


Assessing stakeholder roles and responsibilities

Identifying internal and external stakeholders


Conducting stakeholder analysis


Selecting requirements development templates



Stake Holder Request Template

Analysis of Requirements


Fact gathering methods










Organizing the facts

Determining requirements


Managing requirements


Building a model of the solution



Intro to Process modelling using DFDs

Intro to data modelling –Information modelling


Requirements Management with Use Cases


Key Concepts, Use case Model


Essentials elements of Use Cases:


The writing process . . . (Dos and Don'ts)


Analysing Use Case text to uncover specific system requirements


Converting Use Case description sentences into well-formed requirement

A style guide with suggested formats for different levels of Use Case


List of time-saving Use Case writing tips



A proven methodology for taking advantage of Use Cases

Business modelling i.e. techniques of identifying business concepts and tasks, and
introducing relevant parts of UML along the way/during Analysis phase.

Activity Diagram


Use Case Analysis Overview

Use Case Analysis Overview


Supplement Use case Description



Find Classes from Use Case behaviour


Distribute Use case behaviour to Classes


Responsibilities of classes


Describe attributes and associations


Class Diagrams


Sequence Diagram

Collaboration Diagram


Introduction to Data Modelling, Data Analysis & Testing

Goals of Data Modelling, Logical & Physical Design (E-R Diagram)


Goals of testing, functions performed during testing process, a Business Analyst approach


Testing methodologies – Blackbox and whitebox testing, Positive and Negative tests

Testing (UAT)



Reusable test plans, test procedures and Test Cases – template

Derived test cases from use cases



Identification of Test Scenarios, tracing test cases to test scenarios

Traceability matrix



Business validation and verification


Analysis of the System results – Documenting unexpected behaviours


User signoff – Process and fulfilling expectations

Tools Training -


Introduction to Requirements Management and Rational RequistePro

Identifying and creating Business requirements in RequistePro



Editing, Linking, Searching, Reporting, Importing and Exporting modules and


Writing Use Cases, Business Rules, Supplemental Specifications in RequistePro,
Understanding and using attributes

Introduction to UML Business Modelling and Rational Rose / UML



Advantages to visual modelling, Rational Rose interface, views and diagrams


Managing UML entities and relationships for the various UML diagrams

Use Case, Activity and State Diagrams



Sequence and Class Diagrams

Hands-On Training

Candidates are required to complete take away and in class mini projects to
effectivelyutilize the classroom course and grasp the fundamentals of the UML.

Candidates will have the opportunity to write use cases for business scenarios and buildthe
solution model in a team / individual basis. Mini projects will be reviewed in class inorder to
ensure quality work product creation required to complete take away and inclass miniprojects to
effectively utilize the classroom course and grasp the fundamentalsOf the UML

Candidates are presented with online demonstration of UMLModelling software likeRational
Rose / UML. Candidates are encouraged to create UML diagrams for theassignments using the
software tools. Specific emphasis will be on the businessdiagrams.

Training starts on friday 07/13/2012. For registrations and other details contact:

Orabase Solutions
Email:[email protected]

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