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Crystal Reports Training & 100% Job Placement -


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[b] Company Name: Interimsoft[/b]

[b] Class Mode: Online Training[/b]

[b] No.of Days: 15[/b]

[b] Batches: Weekend/Weekday[/b]

[b] Job Placement: 100%[/b]

[b] Crystal Reports 2008 Training Outline[/b]
[*][size=5]Creating a Simple Report[/size]
[*][size=5]Starting the Crystal Reports Program[/size]
[*][size=5]Starting a New Report[/size]
[*][size=5]Choosing a Data Source[/size]
[*][size=5]The Main Components of the Design Window[/size]
[*][size=5]Exploring the Toolbars[/size]
[*][size=5]Managing Resources with Explorers[/size]
[*][size=5]Placing Fields on the Report[/size]
[*][size=5]Selecting and Sizing Objects[/size]
[*][size=5]Browsing Field Data[/size]
[*][size=5]Moving and Aligning Objects[/size]
[*][size=5]Using Guides and Guidelines to Move and Align Objects[/size]
[*][size=5]Creating Text Objects[/size]
[*][size=5]Saving the Report[/size]
[*][size=5]Autosaving the Report[/size]
[*][size=5]Previewing the Report[/size]
[*][size=5]Refreshing the Data[/size]
[*][size=5]Getting Help[/size]
[/list][*][size=5]Formatting Features[/size]
[*][size=5]Quick Formatting with the Template Expert[/size]
[*][size=5]Formatting Objects[/size]
[*][size=5]Format Painter[/size]
[*][size=5]Inserting Lines and Boxes[/size]
[*][size=5]Drawing a Line[/size]
[*][size=5]Drawing a Box[/size]
[*][size=5]Inserting Graphics[/size]
[*][size=5]Working with the Page Commands[/size]
[*][size=5]Working with Text ObjectsAdding Fields into a Text Object[/size]
[*][size=5]Formatting Part or All of an Object[/size]
[*][size=5]Inserting Special Fields[/size]
[/list][*][size=5]Selecting Specific Records From the Database[/size]
[*][size=5]Filter Types of the Select Expert[/size]
[*][size=5]Database Filtering with the Select Expert[/size]
[*][size=5]Selecting Records with Multiple Criteria[/size]
[*][size=5]Viewing and Editing the Select Formula[/size]
[*][size=5]Case Sensitive vs. Case Insensitive[/size]
[*][size=5]Record Selection Formula Templates[/size]
[/list][*][size=5]Grouping and Sorting Data[/size]
[*][size=5]When and Why to Group Records[/size]
[*][size=5]Creating a Group[/size]
[*][size=5]Group and Sort Direction[/size]
[*][size=5]Customize Group Name Field[/size]
[*][size=5]Modifying Groups[/size]
[*][size=5]Creating Multiple Groups in a Report[/size]
[*][size=5]Using the Preview Panel[/size]
[*][size=5]Using the Group Tree to Navigate the Report[/size]
[*][size=5]Reordering Groups[/size]
[*][size=5]Sorting Records within a Group[/size]
[*][size=5]Using the Sort Control[/size]
[*][size=5]Summarizing Groups[/size]
[*][size=5]Additional Summary Options[/size]
[*][size=5]Grouping Data in Date/Time Intervals[/size]
[*][size=5]Calculating Percentages[/size]
[*][size=5]Ordering Groups Based on Their Subtotals Using the Group Sort Expert[/size]
[/list][*][size=5]Combining Multiple Tables[/size]
[*][size=5]Understanding Tables, Records, and Fields[/size]
[*][size=5]Learning about Linking[/size]
[*][size=5]Adding Multiple Tables to a Report[/size]
[/list][*][size=5]Creating and Using Formulas[/size]
[*][size=5]Understanding Crystal Formula Syntax without Being a Programmer[/size]
[*][size=5]About the Formula Workshop[/size]
[*][size=5]Using the Formula Workshop[/size]
[*][size=5]Using the Formula Editor[/size]
[*][size=5]The Formula Editor Toolbar[/size]
[*][size=5]Performing Simple Number Calculations[/size]
[*][size=5]Manipulating Dates with Formulas[/size]
[*][size=5]Creating Boolean (True/False) Formulas[/size]
[*][size=5]Creating String Formulas[/size]
[*][size=5]Using Bookmarks to Navigate Through Formulas[/size]
[/list][*][size=5]Conditional Formatting[/size]
[*][size=5]Formatting Sections[/size]
[*][size=5]Formatting Sections Conditionally[/size]
[/list][*][size=5]Conditionally Formatting Fields[/size]
[*][size=5]Creating Summary Reports and Charts[/size]
[*][size=5]Creating a Summary Report[/size]
[*][size=5]Applying the Drill Down Feature[/size]
[*][size=5]Applying the DrillDownGroupLevel[/size]
[*][size=5]Producing Charts[/size]
[*][size=5]Editing Charts[/size]
[*][size=5]Formatting Charts[/size]
[*][size=5]Using the Chart Options[/size]
[*][size=5]Modifying Individual Objects in the Chart[/size]
[*][size=5]Applying Chart Templates[/size]
[/list][*][size=5]Exporting Your Reports Within Your Organization[/size]
[*][size=5]Understanding Export Formats and Destinations[/size]
[*][size=5]Adobe Acrobat (PDF)[/size]
[*][size=5]Microsoft Excel 97-2003 (XLS)[/size]
[*][size=5]Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Data only (XLS)[/size]
[*][size=5]Microsoft Word (97-2003)[/size]
[*][size=5]Text (TXT)[/size]
[*][size=5]Using the PDF Format for Crystal Reports[/size]
[*][size=5]HTML Preview[/size]
[*][size=5]Exporting to Windows Applications[/size]
[*][size=5]Exporting to a Report Definition Format[/size]
[/list][*][size=5]Using the Report Wizards[/size]
[*][size=5]What are the Report Wizards?[/size]
[*][size=5]Create a Report Using the Standard Report Creation Wizard[/size]
[*][size=5]The Data Dialog Box[/size]
[*][size=5]The Fields Dialog Box[/size]
[*][size=5]The Grouping Dialog Box[/size]
[*][size=5]The Summaries Dialog Box[/size]
[*][size=5]The Group Sorting Dialog Box[/size]
[*][size=5]The Chart Dialog Box[/size]
[*][size=5]The Record Selection Dialog Box[/size]
[*][size=5]The Template Dialog Box[/size]
[*][size=5]Understanding Maps[/size]
[*][size=5]Map Layouts[/size]
[*][size=5]Map Types[/size]
[*][size=5]Formatting the Map[/size]
[*][size=5]Drilling Down on Maps[/size]
[*][size=5]Advanced Formatting of Maps[/size]
[*][size=5]Changing the Geographic Map[/size]
[*][size=5]Using the Map Navigator[/size]
[*][size=5]Changing Map Layers[/size]
[*][size=5]Resolving Data Mismatches[/size]
[/list][*][size=5]Before You Begin[/size]
[*][size=5]Defining the Purpose of the Report[/size]
[*][size=5]Determining the Layout of the Report[/size]
[*][size=5]Finding the Data[/size]
[*][size=5]Organizing the Data for the Report[/size]
[*][size=5]The Workbench[/size]
[/list][*][size=5]Setting Default and Report Options[/size]
[*][size=5]The Northwind 2008 Database[/size]
[*][size=5]Setup Instructions, Installation and System Requirements for Crystal Reports 2008[/size]
[*][size=5]Function and Opera[/size]
[b][size=5] We provide 100% job placement, after the training. If you are interested, you can reach me at (510)938-0776 or [email protected][/size][/b]

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Innovative: 4 yrs ani pedthe chances ela vuntay .. as an employer mee idea cheppandi

It wont be any issue but on the client requirements, they are asking min 5-6 yrs...

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