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Hadoop Big Data Online Training


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Email : saionlinetraining@gmail com
Contact Number : +91 903 629 8699
[size=5]Hadoop course content[/size]

[size=5]• Introduction to Distributed systems[/size]

o High Availability
o Scaling
o Advantages

[size=5]• Introduction to Big Data[/size]

o Big Data opportunities
o Big Data Challenges

[size=5]• Introduction to Hadoop[/size]

o Hadoop Distributed File System
o Hadoop Architecture
o Map Reduce & HDFS

[size=5]• Hadoop Eco Systems[/size]

o Introduction to Pig
o Introduction to Hive
o Introduction to HBase
o Other eco system Map
• Hadoop Administration

[size=5]o Hadoop Installation & Configuration[/size]

o Setting up Standalone system
o Setting up pseudo distributed cluster
o Setting up distributed cluster
o SSH Configuration
o Monitoring : Logging, Metrics
o Working admin tools
o Optimization
o Cloudera Manager Installation procedure in AWS Cloud (Optional)

[size=5]• The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)[/size]

o HDFS Design & Concepts
o Blocks, Name nodes and Data nodes
o HDFS Federation
o HDFS High-Availability
o Hadoop DFS The Command-Line Interface
o Basic File System Operations
o Anatomy of File Read
o Anatomy of File Write
o Reading Data from a Hadoop URL
o Reading Data Using the File System API

[size=5]• Map Reduce[/size]

o Map and Reduce Basics.
o How Map Reduce Works
o Anatomy of a Map Reduce Job Run
o Job Submission, Job Initialization, Task Assignment, Task Execution
o Progress and Status Updates
o Job Completion, Failures
o Shuffling and Sorting.
o Partition & Combiner
o Hadoop Streaming
o Use of Apache Oozie

[size=5]• Map/Reduce Programming - Java[/size]

o Hands on "Word Count" in Map/Reduce in Eclipse
o Sorting files using Hadoop Configuration API discussion
o Emulating "grep" for searching inside a file in Hadoop
o Chain Mapping API discussion
o Job Dependency API discussion and Hands on
o Input Format API discussion and hands on
o Input Split API discussion and hands on
o Custom Data type creation in Hadoop

[size=5]• Discussion on some business use cases[/size]

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