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Kiss Definitions...


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Don't get too much into this.. the various "kiss theories"

Prof. of Algebra:
Kiss is infinity because it's two divided by nothing.

Prof. of Geometry:
Kiss is the shortest distance between two lips.

Prof. of Physics:
Kiss is the contraction of mouth due to the expansion of the heart

Prof. of Chemistry:
Kiss is the reaction of the interaction between two hearts.

Prof. of Physiology:
Kiss is the juxtaposition of two orbicularis oris muscles in the state of contraction

Prof. of Dentistry:
Kiss is infectious and antiseptic.

Prof. of Zoology:
Kiss is the interchange of salivary.

Prof. of Accountancy:
Kiss is a credit because it is profitable when returned.

Prof. of Economics:
Kiss is that thing for which the demand is always higher than the supply.

Prof. of Statistic:
Kiss is an event whose probability depends on the vital statistics of 36-24-36

Prof. of Philisophy:
Kiss is persecution for the child, ectasy for the youth and homage for the old

Prof. of English:
Kiss is a noun that is used as a conjuction; it is more common than proper; it is spoken in the pural and it is applicable to all.

Prof.of Architecture:
Kiss is a process which builds a solid bond between the two dymanic objects.

Prof. of Comp. Science:
What is a kiss? It looks to be an undefined variable.

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