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Sql Server 2008(Sql-T/sql) & Oracle (Sql-Pl/sql) Online Training


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Hi All,

We are providing online training & Job Support for [b][color=#0000ff]SQL SERVER 2008(SQL-T/SQL) & ORACLE (SQL-PL/SQL).[/color][/b]If anyone interested, please contact us.

[b][color=#ff0000]Email: [email protected]

Contact: +91 – 90 36 298 699[/color][/b]

· Concepts of DBMS
· Introduction
· Importance and Need
· Database Models and Normalization
· Models
· Hierarchical
· Network
· Relational
· Object
· Normalization Techniques
[u]Introduction to RDBMS:[/u]
· Concepts of RDBMS
· Introduction
· Comparison with DBMS
· CODD rules
· Normalization Revisited
· Concepts of ORDBMS & OODBMS
· Introduction to ORDBMS
· Introduction to OODBMS
· Comparison and analysis
[u]Structured Query Language[/u]
[indent=1]· Introduction to SQL[/indent]
[indent=1]· Predefined Data Types[/indent]
[indent=1]· Introduction to database Objects[/indent]
[indent=1]· Table, view[/indent]
[u]Commands in SQL[/u]
[indent=1]· Data definition language (DDL)[/indent]
[indent=1]· Data manipulation language (DML)[/indent]
[indent=1]· Data control language (DCL)[/indent]
[indent=1]· Transaction control language (TCL)[/indent]
[indent=1]· Database security and privileges (DCL)[/indent]
[u]Working with DDL, DML,TCL Commands[/u]
· Operators
· Conditional
· Logical
· Comparison
· Functions
· Date
· Number
· Character
· String
· Group
· Group by ,Having clause
· Transformation function:-
· NVL ,NVL2(9i)
· Aggregate Functions
· Integrity Constraint
· Different Types of Integrity Constraint
· Use of Integrity constraint in table
· Joins
· Usage of joins
· Different Types of joins
§ Equip join, Cartesian join
§ Self join, outer join
· Sub queries
· Need of sub queries
· Nested sub queries
· Co-related sub quires
· Flashback queries (9i)
· View
· Importance of views
· Creating, manipulating views
· Materialized views(9i)
· Working with database objects
o Sequences and synonyms
o Index, cluster, creating cluster table
· Using external tables(9i)
o System privileges
o Table privileges
· Locks and SQL plus editor commands
[*]Introduction to PL/SQL
[*]Advantages of PL/SQL
[*]Data types in PL/SQL
[*]Variable and constants
[*]Assignments and constants
[*]Referencing NON-PL/SQL Variable
[*]Using built in functions
[*]Conditional and Iterative statements
[*]SQL in PL/SQL
[*]Composite data types
[*]Exception:-predefined, user-defined
[*]Records and PL/SQL table types

[u]Advanced PL/SQL[/u]
[*]Introduction to Triggers
[*]Types of triggers:-row levels, statements level
[*]Before and after, instead of triggers
[*]Procedures, functions in PL/SQL
[*]Argument modes
[*]User defined packages
[*]Dropping triggers, procedures, functions
[*]Reference cursors
[*]Usage of ref cursors in procedures, functions, packages

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