ravana Posted October 3, 2013 Author Report Share Posted October 3, 2013 [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1237100_658246200875496_560631866_n.jpg[/img] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ravana Posted October 3, 2013 Author Report Share Posted October 3, 2013 [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/1235022_658245587542224_276946213_n.jpg[/img] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ravana Posted October 3, 2013 Author Report Share Posted October 3, 2013 [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1175043_658244214209028_2110046056_n.jpg[/img] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ravana Posted October 3, 2013 Author Report Share Posted October 3, 2013 [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1238905_658243710875745_570802788_n.jpg[/img] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ravana Posted October 3, 2013 Author Report Share Posted October 3, 2013 [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1234496_658242404209209_1391886939_n.jpg[/img] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ravana Posted October 3, 2013 Author Report Share Posted October 3, 2013 [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/1238375_658040280896088_1926527776_n.jpg[/img] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ravana Posted October 3, 2013 Author Report Share Posted October 3, 2013 [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1209211_658039850896131_1495687263_n.jpg[/img] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ravana Posted October 3, 2013 Author Report Share Posted October 3, 2013 [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1236826_658038537562929_1476750225_n.jpg[/img] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ravana Posted October 3, 2013 Author Report Share Posted October 3, 2013 [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][b][url="http://www.pravsworld.com/content/inspiration/533/make-friendsnot-acquaintances"]Make Friends, Not Acquaintances[/url][/b] [color=#454545]There is a difference between being an acquaintance and being a friend. An acquaintance is someone whose name you know, who you see every now and then, who you probably have something in common with and who you feel comfortable around. It's a person that you can invite to your home and share things with. But they are people who you don't share your life with, whose actions sometimes you don't understand because you don't know enough about them. On the other hand, a friend is someone you love. Not that you are "in love" with them, but you care about them and you think about them when they are not there. The people you are reminded of when you see something they might like, and you know this because you know them so well. They are the people whose pictures you have and whose faces are in your head regardless. Friends are the people you feel safe around because you know they care about you. They call just to see how you are doing, because a friend doesn't need an excuse. They tell you the truth, the first time, and you do the same. You know that if you have a problem, they are there to listen. Friends are the people who won't laugh at you or hurt you, and if they do hurt you they try hard to make it up to you. They are the people you love, regardless of whether you realize it. Friends are the people you cried with when you got rejected from colleges and during the last song at the prom and at graduation. They are the people that when you hug them, you don't think about how long to hug and who's going to be the first one to let go. Maybe they are the people that hold the rings at your wedding, or maybe they are the people who give you away at your wedding, or maybe they are the people you marry. Maybe they are the people who cry at your wedding because they are happy or because they are proud. They are the people who stop you from making mistakes and help you when you do. They are are the people whose hand you can hold, or you can hug or give them a kiss and not have it be awkward because they understand the things you do and they love you for them. They stick with you and stand by you. They hold your hand. They watch you live and you watch them live and you learn from them. Your life is not the same without them. [/color][/font][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ravana Posted October 3, 2013 Author Report Share Posted October 3, 2013 [left] [b][font="Arial"][url="http://www.pravsworld.com/content/inspiration/529/i-asked-god"]I Asked God[/url][/font][/b] [font="Arial"]I asked God for Strength... And He gave me difficulties to make me strong. I asked God for Wisdom... And He gave me problems to solve. I asked God for Prosperity... And He gave me brain and brawn to work. I asked God for Courage... And He gave me danger to overcome. I asked God for Love... And He gave me troubled people to help. I asked God for Favors... And He gave me opportunities. I received nothing I wanted... And I received everything I needed! [/font][/left] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ravana Posted October 3, 2013 Author Report Share Posted October 3, 2013 [size=5][b][font=Arial][url="http://www.pravsworld.com/content/inspiration/426/trusting-a-relationship"]Trusting A Relationships[/url][/font][/b] [font=Arial][color=#454545][font=Arial]A little girl and her father were crossing a flimsy bridge. The father was kind of scared so he asked his little daughter, "Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river." The little girl said, "No, Dad. You hold my hand." What's the difference asked the puzzled father. "There's a big difference", replied the little girl. "If I hold your hand and something happens to me, chances are that I may let your hand go. But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, you will never let my hand go." In any relationship, the essence of trust is not in its bind, age, caste or creed but in its bond. So hold the hand of the person whom you love rather than expecting them to hold yours... [/font][/color][/font][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ravana Posted October 3, 2013 Author Report Share Posted October 3, 2013 [size=5][b][font=Arial][url="http://www.pravsworld.com/content/inspiration/450/may-this-encourage-you-always"]May This Encourage You Always[/url][/font][/b] [font=Arial][color=#454545][font=Arial]Don't spend major time with minor people. If there are people in your life who continually disappoint you, break promises, stomp on your dreams, are too judgmental, have different values and don't have your back during difficult times... that is not friendship. To have a friend, be a friend. Sometimes in life as you grow, your friends will either grow or go. Surround yourself with people who reflect values, goals interests and lifestyles. When I think of any of my successes, I am thankful to God from whom all blessings flow, and to my family and friends who enrich my life. Over the years my phone book has changed because I changed, for the better. At first, you think you're going to be alone, but after awhile, new people show up in your life that make it so much sweeter and easier to endure. Remember what your elders used to say, Birds of a feather flock together. If you're an eagle, don't hang around chickens. Chickens can't fly! [/font][/color][/font][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ravana Posted October 3, 2013 Author Report Share Posted October 3, 2013 [left] [b][font="Arial"][url="http://www.pravsworld.com/content/inspiration/419/the-noisy-frogs"]The Noisy Frogs[/url][/font][/b] [font="Arial"]A farmer came into town and asked the owner of a restaurant if he could use a million frog legs. The restaurant owner was shocked and asked the man where he could get so many frog legs! The farmer replied, There is a pond near my house that is full of frogs - millions of them. They all croak all night long and they are about to make me crazy! So the restaurant Owner and the farmer made an agreement that the farmer would deliver frogs to the restaurant, five hundred at a time for the next several weeks. The first week, the farmer returned to the restaurant looking rather sheepish, with two scrawny little frogs. The restaurant owner said, Well... where are all the frogs. The farmer said, I was mistaken. There were only these two frogs in the pond. But they sure were making a lot of noise! Next time you hear somebody criticizing or making fun of you, remember, it's probably just a couple of noisy frogs. Also remember that problems always seem bigger in the dark. Have you ever laid in your bed at night worrying about things which seem almost overwhelming like a million frogs croaking. Chances are pretty good that when the morning comes, and you take a closer look, you'll wonder what all the fuss was about. [/font][/left] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ravana Posted October 3, 2013 Author Report Share Posted October 3, 2013 [size=4][b][font=Arial][url="http://www.pravsworld.com/content/inspiration/331/a-clever-dog"]A Clever Dog[/url][/font][/b] [font=Arial][color=#454545][font=Arial]A butcher watching over his shop is really surprised when he saw a dog coming inside the shop. He shoos him away. But later, the dog is back again. So, he goes over to the dog and notices he has a note in his mouth. He takes the note and it reads "Can I have 12 sausages and a leg of lamb, please. The dog has money in his mouth, as well." The butcher looks inside and, lo and behold, there is a ten dollar Note there. So he takes the money and puts the sausages and lamb in a bag, placing it in the dog's mouth. The butcher is so impressed, and since it's about closing time, he decides to shut up shop and follow the dog. So off he goes. The dog is walking down the street when he comes to a level crossing. The dog puts down the bag, jumps up and presses the button. Then he waits patiently, bag in mouth, for the lights to turn. They do, and he walks across the road, with the butcher following him all the way. The dog then comes to a bus stop, and starts looking at the timetable. The butcher is in awe at this stage. The dog checks out the times, and then sits on one of the seats provided. Along comes a bus. The dog walks around to the front, looks at the number, and goes back to his seat. Another bus comes. Again the dog goes and looks at the number, notices it's the right bus, and climbs on. The butcher, by now, open-mouthed, follows him onto the bus. The bus travels through the town and out into the suburbs, the dog looking at the scenery. Eventually he gets up, and moves to the front of the bus. He stands on 2 back paws and pushes the button to stop the bus. Then he gets off, his groceries still in his mouth. Well, dog and butcher are walking along the road, and then the dog turns into a house. He walks up the path, and drops the groceries on the step. Then he walks back down the path, takes a big run, and throws himself against the door. He goes back down the path, runs up to the door and again, it throws himself against it. There's no answer at the house, so the dog goes back down the path, jumps up on a narrow wall, and walks along the perimeter of the garden. He gets to the window, and beats his head against it several times, walks back, jumps off, and waits at the door. The butcher watches as a big guy opens the door, and starts abusing the dog, kicking him and punching him, and swearing at him. The butcher runs up, and stops the guy. "What in heaven's name are You doing? The dog is a genius. He could be on TV, for the life of me!" to which the guy responds: "You call this clever? This is the second time this week that this stupid dog's forgotten his key." Reflection: Looks like some, people will never be satisfied with what they've got. When it comes to the work place, Employers do not know how to appreciate their people who have served them loyally through the years. Some companies lose good people for the simple fact their leaders failed to show appreciation. Employers with big egos enjoy the fact that they have more power and authority than others. They show, in the way they give orders and directions, that they think they are superior. They get a kick out of displaying this superiority. People who do this are fools, and everyone but them knows it. They are never satisfied because they could not be satisfied even if their people perform well. They don't listen to the opinion and ideas of their subordinates. Why? Because of their stupid pride and insecurity. People of this kind will never be satisfied. Why? Because they are so busy wrapped up in themselves and, fact is, the self can never be satisfied. Happy and productive people are always those who are "others-centered" rather than "self- centered." The greatest idea of leadership is not someone who throws his weight around. Rather, he is a servant. As Bible would say, "He who wish to be a leader should first be a servant." His joy is derived from delivering a job that others benefit from his contribution. Aim for service and success will follow." [/font][/color][/font][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ravana Posted October 3, 2013 Author Report Share Posted October 3, 2013 [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1233491_657840170916099_1495823900_n.jpg[/img] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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