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Apache Tomcat Admin Training


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Hello [b]OPT/CPT[/b], Contact [b]: [email protected][/b]

Please contact me for Apache Tomcat admin Training . you don't any programming background ,and not necessarily from IT background .We don't waste your time with Indian (Online) training's .We will provide all the support for your JOB .The billing rates are very good compared to other skills .Please find course content below and let me know if you have any further questions .. Please do not call if your different company only looking for training's and we don't give online training's .Please serious enquirers only ....

[b] Apache Tomcat Training Objectives[/b]
[b]All attendees will learn how to:[/b][/size] [list]
[*][b]Set up and configure Apache Tomcat[/b]
[*][b]Deploy Java web applications to the Tomcat server[/b]
[*][b]Configure Tomcat valves for access logging, single sign-on, and access control[/b]
[*][b]Monitor Tomcat via its JMX MBeans and a variety of tools, including JConsole, VisualVM, and PSI Probe[/b]
[*][b]Tune Tomcat for optimal performance[/b]
[*][b]Configure Tomcat logs and troubleshoot Tomcat[/b]
[*][b]Secure Tomcat[/b]
[*][b]Build and monitor database connection pools[/b]
[*][b]Run Tomcat behind a web server, such as Apache httpd or Microsoft IIS[/b]
[*][b]Build Tomcat clusters to ensure high availability[/b]
[/list] [/size]

[b] Detailed course description :[/b]
[*]Overview of the Apache Software Foundation and the Jakarta Project
[*]Overview of Java EE as a platform
[*]Overview of the features and functionality specifically provided by Tomcat
[/list] [*][b]Installing Tomcat[/b]
[*]Installing the Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
[*]Tweaking the JRE for performance
[*]Performing the actual Tomcat installation
[/list] [*][b]Examining the Tomcat installation directories[/b]
[*]common (Tomcat 5.5 and earlier)
[*]lib (Tomcat 6 and later)
[*]server (Tomcat 5.5 and earlier)
[*]shared (Tomcat 5.5 and earlier)
[/list] [*][b]Configuring Tomcat[/b]
[*]server.xml (detailed walkthrough)
[/list] [*][b]Tomcat Valves[/b]
[*]AccessLog and FastCommonAccessLog
[*]SingleSignOnValve (by request)
[*]RequestDumperValve (by request)
[/list] [*][b]Memory management and JMX monitoring[/b]
[*]Understanding Java garbage collection
[*]Using JAVA_OPTS, JMX and JConsole to monitor and tune Tomcat memory usage
[*]Sizing Tomcat's JVM memory heap
[*]Using JMX and JConsole to configure Tomcat via Tomcat's MBeans
[*]Updating Tomcat's configuration via JMX "on the fly" without restarting Tomcat
[*]Load testing with JMeter
[*]Using VisualVM (new monitoring tool built into JDK 6) and PSI Probe
[*]Controlling JMX MBeans via Ant
[/list] [*][b]Logging[/b]
[*]JULI logging
[*]log4j logging
[*]Understanding exceptions and thread dumps
[/list] [*][b]Connecting databases with Tomcat applications[/b]
[*]Classic JDBC approach
[*]Better approach: JNDI resources
[*]Setting up and monitoring database connection pools
[/list] [*][b]Security[/b]
[*]File system security
[*]Java security manager
[*]Realms, authentication, and authorization
[/list] [*][b]Performance tuning strategies[/b]
[*]Additional JVM tuning tips
[*]Enabling parallel garbage collection
[*]Building native connectors
[*]Disabling/removing unneeded applications
[*]Tuning incoming connections and database connection pools
[*]Turning off Jasper development mode
[*]Precompiling JSPs
[*]Preloading servlets
[/list] [*][b]Tomcat 7 New Features [optional][/b]
[*]Memory leak prevention and detection
[*]Servlet 3.0, JSP 2.2, and EL 2.2 support (and the practical implications of this for Tomcat admins)
[*]Cross-site request forgery prevention (and how to configure)
[*]How Tomcat 7's new session management features prevent session fixation attacks
[*]Alias support (which allow static content to be stored outside the WAR file)
[/list] [*][b]Running Tomcat behind Apache httpd or IIS [this section would be taught using your web server and connector module of choice][/b]
[*]Why run Tomcat behind Apache httpd or IIS?
[*]Installing mod_jk (Apache httpd or IS) or mod_*****_ajp and mod_*****_balancer (Apache httpd 2.2 or later only)
[*]*****ing traffic to Tomcat via AJP
[*]Monitoring the status of your web server’s connection to Tomcat
[*]Load balancing Tomcat via mod_jk or mod_*****_balancer
[/list] [*][b]Tomcat Clustering[/b]
[*]Configuring mod_jk (in Apache or IIS) or mod_*****_balancer (Apache 2.2 or later only) as a load balancer
[*]Hardware load balancing as an alternative to software load balancing
[*]Sticky sessions
[*]Configuring a shared session back-end
[*]FileStore/JDBCStore (older approach, generally not recommended)
[*]Using the <Cluster /> tag
[/list] [*]Configuring the application to be distributable
[*]Setting up and testing failover
[/list] [*][b]Conclusion[/b]

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