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Informatica 9.x, Oracle 11G( Sql & Plsql ) - Training & Job Support


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Hi All,

We are providing [b]Online Training[/b] and [b]Job Support[/b] on [b]Informatica Power Center 9.x[/b]. and [b]Oracle 11G (SQL & PLSQL).[/b]

If anybody interested to take Online Training and Job Support please contact me soon.

You can reach me at --->

E-Mail:- [b][email protected][/b]

Voice:- [b]+91 929 122 7040, +91 99494 89441.[/b]



Course Content:-



[*][b]Characteristics of Data Warehouse[/b].
[*]Time Variant Database.
[*]Non Volatile Database.
[*]Subject Oriented Database.
[*]Integrated Database.
[/list][*][b]Data warehouse Architecture.[/b]
[*][b]Data Acquisition Concept[/b].
[*]Data Extraction.
[*]Data Transformation.
[/list][*]Data Cleansing.
[*]Data Scrubbing.
[*]Data Merging.
[*]Data Aggregation[b].[/b]
[*]Data Loading.
[/list][*]Rules To Maintain Historical Data.
[*]Initial Extraction.
[*]Delta Extraction.
[*]Dimensional Modeling.
[*]Data Warehousing Schemas:
[*]Star Schema.
[*]Snow Flake Star Schema.
[*]Integrated Star Schema.
[*]Additive Fact.
[*]Semi Additive Fact.
[*]Non Additive Fact.
[/list][*]Data Marts:
[*]Top to Bottom Approach.
[*]Bottom to Top Approach.
[/list][*]Difference between OLTP & OLAP.
[*][b]Informatica Software Installation.[/b]
[*][b]Informatica Architecture.[/b]
[*][b]Informatica Power Center Repository Manager.[/b]
[*]55]3.1.Folder Management.
[*][b]Informatica Power Center Designer.[/b]
[*]Source Analyzer.
[*]Target Designer.
[*]Transformation Developer.
[*]Mapplet Designer.
[*]Mapping Designer.
[/list][*][b]Relational Tables.[/b]
[*][b]Flat Files.[/b]
[*][b]XML Files.[/b]
[*][b]All Transformations:[/b]
[*]Source Qualifier.
[*]Update Strategy.
[*]Sequence Generator.
[*]Stored Procedure.
[*]Transaction Control Transformation.
[*]XML Parser.
[*]XML Generator.
[*]XML Source Qualifier.
[/list][*][b]Mapping Parameters & Variables.[/b]
[*][b]Look Up Cache.[/b]
[*][b]Target Load Plan.[/b]
[*][b]Debugging Concept.[/b]
[*][b]Version Controlling.[/b]
[*][b]Informatica Power Center Workflow Manager:[/b]
[*]Task Developer.
[*]Work let Designer.
[*]Workflow Designer.
[/list][*][b]All Tasks[/b].
[*]Event Wait.
[*]Event Raise.
[*]Work let.
[/list][*][b]Workflow Properties.[/b]
[*][b]Parameter Files.[/b]
[*][b]Session Properties.[/b]
[*][b]Session Config Objects.[/b]
[*][b]Session Mapping Connections.[/b]
[*][b]Parallel Data Loading.[/b]
[*][b]Sequential Data Loading.[/b]
[*][b]Workflow Dependencies.[/b]
[*][b]Push Down Optimization.[/b]
[*][b]Incremental Aggregation.[/b]
[*][b]Performance Tuning[/b].
[*]Partitioning Concept.
[*]Bottle Necks.
[/list][*][b]Informatica Power Center Workflow Monitor[/b].
[*]Session Run Properties.
[*]Session Log.

[b]Oracle 11G (SQL & PLSQL)[/b]

[b]Course Topics [/b]

[b]PART I: Structured Query Language – SQL [/b]

[b]Introduction to Relational databases [/b]
1.1. Relational Database Concepts
1.2. Entity Relationship Diagrams
1.3. Data Models
1.4. Role of SQL in RDBMS
[b]Simple SQL statements [/b]
2.1. Basic SQL construct
2.2. Column naming conventions
2.3. Importance of NULL
2.4. Concatenation operator
2.5. Arithmetic operators and expressions
2.6. Operator precedence and Parenthesis
2.7. Character strings
[b]Tables and Table Joins [/b]
3.1. Need for joins
3.2. Cartesian products
3.3. Column aliases
3.4. Types of joins
[b]Filtering and Sorting data [/b]
4.1. Limiting rows retrieved
4.2. Using LIKE for pattern matching
4.3. Using logical operators AND, OR & NOT
4.4. Using BETWEEN & IN operators
4.5. Sorting data using ORDER BY clause
[b]Oracle SQL Functions part 1 [/b]
5.1. SQL Functions overview
5.2. What are single row functions?
5.3. Using Character functions
5.4. Using Number functions
5.5. Using Date functions
5.6. Using CASE and DECODE
5.7. Nested functions
5.8. Data type conversion functions
[b]Oracle SQL Functions part 2 [/b]
6.1. What are multi row functions?
6.2. Various multi row functions
6.3. Grouping data with GROUP BY clause
6.4. Using the HAVING clause
6.5. Sorting GROUP BY data

[b]SQLPlus – queries, formatting and reports [/b]
7.1. Logging into SQLPlus
7.2. Writing queries in SQLPlus
7.3. Substitution variables using ‘&’ and ‘&&’
7.4. Using DEFINE & UNDEFINE commands
7.5. Using SET command
7.6. Setting COLUMN format
[b]Nested SQL queries [/b]
8.1. Need for nested queries
8.2. Types of nested queries
8.3. USING EXISTS, ALL & ANY operators
[b]Database Definition Language – DDL [/b]
9.1. Creating tables
9.2. Modifying tables
9.3. Dropping tables
9.4. Partitioned tables
9.5. Creating Range and Hash partitions
9.6. Creating and replacing views
9.7. Creating and dropping synonyms
9.8. Creating modifying and dropping sequences
[b]Database Manipulation Language – DML [/b]
10.1. What is data manipulation in a database
10.2. Need for data manipulation
10.3. INSERT statement
10.4. UPDATE statement
10.5. DELETE statement
10.6. MERGE statement
[b]Database Control Language – DCL [/b]
11.1. Definition of Transaction
11.2. COMMIT & ROLLBACK statements
11.3. Using the SAVEPOINT statement
11.4. Automatic COMMIT
[b]Indexes and Index types [/b]
12.1. What are Indexes?
12.2. Need for Indexes
12.3. Simple Indexes
12.4. Complex Indexes
12.5. Function based Indexes
12.6. Analyzing and rebuilding Indexes
[b]Privileges, Users, Roles & Grants [/b]
13.1. System privileges
13.2. Object privileges
13.3. Creating and managing users
13.4. Creating and assigning roles
13.5. Granting Roles

[b][i]Last but not the least… [/i][/b]
14.1. Regular expressions
14.2. Set operators in SQL
14.3. RANK() function
14.5. Analytic functions

[b]PART II: Procedural Language/ Structured Query Language – PLSQL [/b]

[b]Introduction to PLSQL [/b]
15.1. Anonymous PLSQL block
15.2. Variables
15.3. Data types
15.4. Bind variables
15.5. PLSQL operators
15.6. Nested blocks
15.7. Implicit data conversion
15.8. SELECT … INTO statement
[b]Control structures [/b]
16.1. IF-THEN-ELSE statement
16.2. CASE statement
16.3. Basic and FOR Loops
16.4. WHILE Loop
16.5. Nested loops
[b]Composite data types [/b]
17.1. Using %ROWTYPE
17.2. PLSQL Records
17.3. PLSQL Table of Records
[b]Creating Functions [/b]
18.1. Syntax of CREATE FUNCTION
18.2. Benefits of user defined functions
18.3. Executing user defined functions
18.4. Restrictions on function calls
18.5. Dropping functions
[b]Exceptions and Exception handling [/b]
19.1. What are Exceptions?
19.2. Need for handling exceptions
19.3. Predefined exceptions
19.4. User defined exceptions
19.5. Non predefined exceptions
19.6. Raising Exceptions
19.7. Trapping Exceptions
19.8. Exception propagation in nested calls
[b]Creating Procedures [/b]
20.1. What are Procedures?
20.2. Need for Procedures
20.3. Syntax of CREATE PROCEDURE
20.4. Parameter dispositions
20.5. Parameter passing methods
20.6. Executing procedures
20.7. Exceptions in procedures

[b]Explicit Cursors and REF Cursors. [/b]
21.1. What is a cursor?
21.2. Implicit and explicit cursors
21.3. Creating cursors
21.4. Using cursors in procedures
21.5. OPEN..FETCH CLOSE construct
21.6. FOR UPDATE cursors
[b]Creating Packages [/b]
22.1. What are packages?
22.2. Need for packages
22.3. Package Specification
22.4. Package Body
22.5. Private and Public components
22.6. Calling package functions, procedures
22.7. Referencing package constants and variables
[b]Creating Triggers [/b]
23.1. What are triggers?
23.2. Use cases of triggers
23.3. Database triggers
23.4. DML Table triggers
23.5. INSTEAD OF triggers
23.6. Create Trigger syntax
23.7. Enabling & Disabling triggers
23.8. Row vs. Statement triggers

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