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Asp.net, C#.net, Vb.net, Silverlight, Wpf, Wcf - Training & Support


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Hi Everybody,

We are providing Online Training and Job Support on All Dot Net Technologies.

[b]1. Asp.Net[/b]
[b]2. C#.Net.[/b]
[b]3. VB.Net.[/b]
[b]4. Silverlight.[/b]
[b]5. WPF.[/b]
[b]6. WCF.[/b]
[b]7. Jquery..........[/b]

If anybody interested please contact me soon.

Mail:- [b][email protected][/b]

Voice:- [b] +91 929 122 7040, +91 99494 89441.[/b]



C#.Net Course Content:

[b]MS.NET Framework[/b] [b](1 class)[/b]

[b]1.1.[/b] [b]The .NET Framework - an Overview[/b]
[b]1.2.[/b] [b]Architecture of .NET Framework[/b]
[b]1.3.[/b] [b]Types of Applications which can be developed using MS.NET[/b]
[b]1.4.[/b] [b]MSIL / Metadata and PE files.[/b]
[b]1.5.[/b] [b]The Common Language Runtime (CLR)[/b]
[b]1.6.[/b] [b]Common Type System (CTS)[/b]
[b]1.7.[/b] [b]Common Language Specification (CLS)[/b]
[b]1.8.[/b] [b]Types of JIT Compilers[/b]
[b]1.9.[/b] [b]MS.NET Memory Management / Garbage Collection[/b]
[b]1.10.[/b] [b]MS.NET Base Classes Framework[/b]
1.11. [b]MS.NET Assemblies and Modules[/b]

[b]C# Language – Types of Applications[/b] [b](1 class)[/b]

[b]Language Basics[/b] [b](1 class)[/b]

[b]1.1.[/b] [b]Variables and Data Types[/b]
[b]1.2.[/b] [b]String & String Builder[/b]
[b]1.3.[/b] [b]Boxing and Unboxing[/b]
[b]1.4.[/b] [b]Operators[/b]
[b]1.5.[/b] [b]Statements[/b]
[b]1.6.[/b] [b]Arrays and Strings[/b]
[b]1.7.[/b] [b]Procedures and Functions[/b]

[b]Essentials of Object-Oriented Programming[/b] [b](1 class)[/b]

[b]1.1.[/b] [b]Object and Class Definition[/b]
[b]1.2.[/b] [b]Understanding Identity, State, and Behavior[/b]
[b]1.3.[/b] [b]Using encapsulation to combine methods and data in a[/b]
[b]1.4.[/b] [b]Single class[/b]
[b]1.5.[/b] [b]Inheritance and Polymorphism.[/b]

[b]Working with Classes and Objects[/b] [b](2 classes)[/b]

[b]1.1.[/b] [b]Adding Variables and Methods[/b]
[b]1.2.[/b] [b]Properties and Indexers[/b]
[b]1.3.[/b] [b]Constructors and Destructors[/b]
[b]1.4.[/b] [b]Type Initialize[/b]
[b]1.5.[/b] [b]Extension Methods[/b]
[b]1.6.[/b] [b]Anonymous Types[/b]
[b]1.7.[/b] [b]Memory Management and Garbage Collection[/b]
[b]1.8.[/b] [b]Shared / Static Members[/b]
[b]1.9.[/b] [b]Method Overloading[/b]
[b]1.10.[/b] [b]Anonymous Methods Partial Classes & Methods[/b]
[b]1.11.[/b] [b]Operator Overloading[/b]
[b]1.12.[/b] [b]Inner Classes[/b]
[b]1.13.[/b] [b]Attributes and their Usage[/b]
[b]1.14.[/b] [b]Delegates and Events[/b]

[b]Inheritance, Interface and Polymorphism[/b] [b](2 classes)[/b]

[b]1.1.[/b] [b]Deriving classes[/b]
[b]1.2.[/b] [b]calling base class constructor[/b]
[b]1.3.[/b] [b]Overriding Methods[/b]
[b]1.4.[/b] [b]Non-Inheritable Classes.[/b]
[b]1.5.[/b] [b]Abstract Class[/b]
[b]1.6.[/b] [b]Interface Inheritance[/b]
[b]1.7.[/b] [b]Namespace and Access Modifiers[/b]

[b]Working With Collections[/b] [b](1 class)[/b]

[b]1.1.[/b] [b]List and Dictionary[/b]
[b]1.2.[/b] [b]Array List and Hash Table[/b]
[b]1.3.[/b] [b]Generic Classes & Methods[/b]
[b]1.4.[/b] [b]List of Directory[/b]
[b]1.5.[/b] [b]Enumerable and Ienumerator[/b]

[b]Exception Handling[/b] [b](1 class)[/b]

[b]1.1.[/b] [b]Handling Exceptions using try and catch[/b]
[b]1.2.[/b] [b]Raising Exceptions using throw[/b]
[b]1.3.[/b] [b]Pre-defined Exception classes[/b]
[b]1.4.[/b] [b]Custom Exception classes[/b]
1.5. [b]Using Statement[/b]

[b]Data Access using ADO.NET[/b] [b](4 classes)[/b]

[b]1.1.[/b] [b]Introduction to ADO.NET[/b]
[b]1.2.[/b] [b]Managed Providers[/b]
[b]1.3.[/b] [b]Working with Connection, Command, Data Reader and[/b]
[b]1.4.[/b] [b]Transaction objects[/b]
[b]1.5.[/b] [b]Working with Prepared Statements and Stored Procedures[/b]
[b]1.6.[/b] [b]Connection Pooling and Multiple Active Result Sets[/b]
[b]1.7.[/b] [b]Working with Data Set[/b]
[b]1.8.[/b] [b]Adding, Deleting and Modifying records in a Dataset[/b]
[b]1.9.[/b] [b]Data Tables, Data Columns and Data Rows , Constraints and[/b]
[b]1.10.[/b] [b]Data Relations[/b]
[b]1.11.[/b] [b]Using Data View[/b]
[b]1.12.[/b] [b]Working with Data GridView[/b]

[b]WinForms[/b] [b](3 classes)[/b]

[b]1.1.[/b] [b]Introduction[/b]
[b]1.2.[/b] [b]Controls[/b]
[b]1.3.[/b] [b]Menus and Context Menus[/b]
[b]1.4.[/b] [b]Menu Strip, Toolbar Strip.[/b]
[b]1.5.[/b] [b]Graphics and GDI[/b]
[b]1.6.[/b] [b]SDI and MDI Applications[/b]
[b]1.7.[/b] [b]Dialog box (Modal and Modeless)[/b]
[b]1.8.[/b] [b]Form Inheritance[/b]
[b]1.9.[/b] [b]Working with Resource Files[/b]
1.10. [b]Working with Settings[/b]

[b]XML[/b] [b](2 classes)[/b]

[b]1.1.[/b] [b]Introduction[/b]
[b]1.2.[/b] [b]XML-DOM[/b]
[b]1.3.[/b] [b]XMLDocument, XMLElement, XMLAttribute[/b]
[b]1.4.[/b] [b]Interoperating with DataSet[/b]
[b]1.5.[/b] [b]XMLDataDocument[/b]
[b]1.6.[/b] [b]XML TextReader / XML TextWriter [/b]
[b]1.7.[/b] [b]Xpath.[/b]

[b]Data Streams and Files[/b] [b](2 classes)[/b]

[b]1.1.[/b] [b]Byte Streams[/b]
[b]1.2.[/b] [b]Readers and Writers.[/b]
[b]1.3.[/b] [b]Binary Streams[/b]
[b]1.4.[/b] [b]Console and File I/O[/b]
[b]1.5.[/b] [b]Serialization & Deserialization[/b]

[b]Multithreading[/b] [b](2 classes)[/b]

[b]1.1.[/b] [b]Introduction[/b]
[b]1.2.[/b] [b]Application Domains[/b]
[b]1.3.[/b] [b]Creating and Managing Threads[/b]
[b]1.4.[/b] [b]Thread Priority[/b]
[b]1.5.[/b] [b]Thread States[/b]
[b]1.6.[/b] [b]Thread Synchronization using Monitor and Mutex[/b]

ASP.NET Course Content:

[b]Basic Of HTML and JavaScript[/b] [b](2 classes)[/b]

[b]Introduction to ASP (1 class)[/b]

i) ASP Architecture
ii) ASP Objects
iii) Request and Response Structure
iv) Forms and Querystring

[b]Web Forms (2 classes)[/b]

i) Introduction
ii) Advantages
iii) Comparison with HTML Form
iv) Page Processing States
v) Event Model
vi) View State Management
vii) Cross-Page Postback
viii) HTML Server Controls
ix) Standard ASP.NET Sever Controls
x) Basic Controls
xi) Validation Controls
xii) Web User Controls

[b]Masterpages and UserControl (1 class)[/b]

i) URL Rebasing in a Master Page
ii) Accessing a Master Page from Code
iii) Nesting Master Pages
iv) Master and Content Pages

[b]Applying Themes and Styles to Controls (1 class)[/b]

i) Working with CSS
ii) Using Themes to Customize a Site
iii) Named Skins within a Theme
iv) Server-side Styles using Themes
v) Contents of a Theme and Skin
vi) Themes and Profiles

[b]ASP.NET StateManagement (2 classes)[/b]

i) Static / Shared Members
ii) ViewState Object
iii) Cookies
iv) Session Management
v) Application State
vi) HttpContext

[b]ASP Intrinsic Objects (1 class)[/b]

i) Request and Response
ii) Session Objects
iii) Application Objects
iv) Server and Context

[b]ASP.NET Web Application (1 class)[/b]

i) Creating Virtual Directories
ii) Global.asax & Managing Application Events
iii) HttpApplication Instance
iv) HTTP Handlers and creating Custom Handler
v) URL Redirection

[b]Data Access Controls (2 classes)[/b]

i) Data Binding Server Controls
ii) SqlDataSource, ObjectDataSource
iii) GridView
iv) DetailsView and FormView
v) Data List and Repeater
vi) ListView

[b]Caching (2 classes)[/b]

i) Overview
ii) Page Output Caching
iii) CacheProfile
iv) Page Fragment Caching
v) Data Caching
vi) SQL Cache Invalidation
vii) Notification-based Invalidation
viii) Polling-based Invalidation
ix) Expiration Policies and Cache Dependencies

[b]Security (2 classes)[/b]

i) Authentication & Authorization
ii) Windows Based Authentication
iii) Form Based Authentication
iv) Authorizing Users and Roles
v) Impersonation
vi) Using Login Controls
vii) ASP.NET Membership and Roles
viii) Securing Non-ASP.NET files
[b]Globalization and Localization (2 classes)[/b]

i) Request and Response Encoding
ii) Local and Global Resources
iii) Implicit Expressions to Local Resources
iv) Explicit Expressions to Local Resources
v) Programmatic Access to Global Resources
vi) Localizing Static Content
vii) Storing Language Preferences
viii) Right to Left Mirroring
ix) Culture specific formatting

[b]AJAX.NET[/b] [b](2 classes)[/b]

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