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Corporate Well Ness Series -- Training The Mind


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[center][b]The Monk Who Bought His Mercedes[/b][/center]

[center][b]Part of 'It's Time...' Corporate Wellness Series[/b][/center]

There are some who believe that the only way to lead a fully spiritual life is to surrender all worldly goods, renounce creature comforts, and adopt cotton clothes. Although the path of the ascetic is a well-trodden route to greater self-awareness and connection with the divine, it is by no means obligatory. Yes of course it is possible to reach great heights without giving up these things, and for most of us it is not a viable option anyway.

In fact true spirituality does not mean ‘giving up’ the things we love, it simply means renouncing our deep-seated attachment to these things. The Buddha taught that attachment is the basis of all suffering. If we understand this point then we can become free even whilst having all that a person needs to live in this modern-day world.

The premise of Raja Yoga Meditation is one of a lotus-like life. The lotus grows in stagnant waters with its roots in the mud and, yet offers its beauty to the world by always remaining upright, pristine, untouched. Inthe same manner a Raja Yogi learns to lovingly be with their family, pursue a career, move in their social circles, be an asset to the community, own the house, the car and the latest gadgets, and yet at the same time to create a respectful distance from those very things. In other words, there is nothing wrong in driving to work in your Mercedes – there is only wrong thinking which fools us into believing that we need these trapping in order to be happy.

A major reason why sages and monks step away from ‘worldly trappings’ is because they can really be a trap… if we allow them to be. They can distract the mind, stimulate desires, and can be a major reason for stress and emotional upheaval. Of course it is possible to keep away from someone and certify yourself ‘detached’ or ‘tolerant’, or to avoid passing the cake shop and deem it ‘renunciation’. Yet is it not a greater challenge and therefore victory to be in the midst of these and yet to remain free from their influence?

It is sometimes thought that ‘money is the root of all evil’, however, is it the wealth and possessions themselves or the avarice, the attachment, the greed or the ego of the power it gives us that is our downfall? We simply need to cultivate the right relationships towards our possessions – we don’t need to be a slave to them. In fact possessions and positions in themselves are not an evil force, they can be a tribute to our achievement in life and a purpose for celebration, but they should not create our ego identity of who or what we think we are.

A spiritual person will attract abundance on all levels: physical, mental and spiritual. Abundance is our natural state when we are free from negative influences, and of course real wealth lies in the treasures of happiness, love and contentment. If we don’t feel this to be our truth then no matter how many possessions we have, we will never be satisfied. When we no longer believe that we will find these things in people and material objects, and start Being Who We Really Are, then the flow will naturally bring what we need towards ourselves. We can enjoy the fruits of our labours, but at the same time we won’t cry if we don’t have a better model car than the next-door neighbour. Either way we remain satisfied.

If we find we are not ‘in the flow’ and it isn’t happening then there is a good reason for it. Trust the drama of life and don’t expect or wait with bated breath for something to arrive. Sometimes we chase after that job, position, career path, university entrance or relationship ruthlessly and relentlessly, then perhaps our energy of want, lust or greed (however subtle) is instead pushing it from us.
[b]It’s time… to live in the world like a lotus flower and to renounce, not our world, but our deep-seated attachment with it. Real wealth lies in virtue and once we recognise this truth, we begin to attract abundance towards ourselves. Be ‘in the flow’, sit back, relax and enjoy all that life brings.[/b]
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[center][b]Leading from Within[/b][/center]

[center][b]Part of 'It's Time...' Corporate Wellness Series[/b][/center]

Many young adults set out to be leaders in life without ever realizing that they can be leaders in their own right, right now, right here, without ever going to university or acquiring a college certificate! Leadership is not simply an acquired skill or a talent given to a few, it is about taking personal responsibility and ownership of one’s thoughts, words and deeds, and setting an example worth following… something you probably won’t find in many high school curricula!
It’s often said that the best leaders lead by example. They know that whatever they do, others seeing them will do the same. If they act with integrity they will inspire others to be like them – wise and fearless. Likewise, if they behave badly or take advantage of company assets for their personal use, then so will others.
A leader knows that their motivation is what will motivate others. Their energy will create the rhythm and tempo that others will be inspired to follow. He or she will not wait for others to act first. They know that in order to push the boundaries of what’s possible it is necessary to stand apart from the crowd.
A responsible leader is in control of their actions, behaviour and emotions. They are able to manage themselves from the inside out rather than being influenced from the outside in. He or she is able to maintain a calm, cool composure and is able to easily make critical decisions in the heat of the moment.
Productivity at work does not come from providing training and skills workshops, but from people who are feeling inspired and motivated.
A manager does what’s in front of him or her, but a leader is prepared to do what’s right. Leaders of influence are guided by their ethics and values. Research conducted by Team Technology in the UK asked 4000 people the question: “What qualities in a Leader will make someone follow that Leader?” Honesty was cited as the first quality. ‘Honesty is not just about telling the truth, but also acting out of fairness and being straight forward in your conduct. This builds trust in the people because what they see is what they get. There are no blind spots and the leaders actions are based on the truth.’
Integrity and humility were also in the list, as was servant leadership – an attitude of serving and honouring the people you lead. This contrasts with many ‘leaders’ of today who take from the people and do not give to the people. Integrity is aligning what you say in public and what you do in private. Leaders with humility will not hold back from giving credit where credit is due – they understand that the success of their people is their success also.
A powerful leader is one who leads by using core, or spiritual values. This can only be accomplished when people have become adept at managing themselves. Like an iceberg, most of what drives us in a certain direction are the ‘undercurrents’ or the effects of the nine-tenths of ourselves that are largely unknown to us – feelings, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, memories, and desires. The leader will be able to manage these ‘nine-tenths’, and take themselves in the direction that they decide to go.
We are leading, i.e influencing others, at every moment. Not just in the office, but at home, with the children, in the supermarket, or on the bus. If we have the awareness that we are on the ‘stage of the world’ being watched by many as we play our various parts, then we may just take more care to act in the right way. When our attitude and behaviour inspires others to reach for their highest potential, then we truly are a leader.

[b]It’s time…[/b] to realize that you are a powerful leader with or without your college certificate! At every moment, aim to be an example of inspiration worth following. Learn to manage yourinner ‘nine-tenths’ and in doing so you will be managing your success and the success of those around you. If you are honest and transparent you will have nothing to be afraid of!
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[b]Slow Down and Stop Rushing[/b]

In today’s crazy world it’s easy to spend a lot of our time rushing from A to B, only to find that those few seconds of haste don’t make a significant difference in our day. Rushing around without hardly a minute to spare has become a necessity or even an addiction. [b]In our pursuit of speed, we lose our peace in the soul and create unnecessary adrenalin in the body, which only fatigues the muscles and makes us more tired than productive.[/b] Learning to slow down is the key to being more effective!
Imagine a world in which everyone decelerated just a little – drivers, motorcyclists, housewives and executives. For a start there would be fewer accidents! Giving way to others with grace may mean that you will be a few minutes later at the most. [b]Is it really so important that you save a few seconds at the expense of your sanity or blood pressure?[/b] Imagine living your life at a slightly slower pace, and enjoying the moment instead of always frantically scrambling to what’s next.
Very often we jump from one action to the next and forget what we just did or which direction we just came from. We are so heavily consumed in action that we lose awareness of everything around us and consequently we lose the experience of the moment. Then we don’t have time to pause, ‘smell the roses’ or enjoy the moment!
We create for ourselves a vicious cycle. We find ourselves running after time, and as we hurry, we make mistakes, accomplish little and therefore need more time to do the things we need to do!
The key to breaking this vicious cycle is to resist the very thought of haste. [b]To slow down means to step into the present moment, to be alert, conscious and aware. [/b]Then as we become focused, we can harness our inner powers and are able better discern and decide. Instead of simply reacting we can choose the most appropriate responses. [b]It’s a change of attitude from feeling out of control to being the master.[/b]
And when we sit to reflect at the end of the day we are contented and at peace, knowing that every minute was used in a worthwhile way and to its best advantage. In this way we can honour our daily tasks and responsibilities and sail through them with lightness and ease.
The example of the tortoise and the hare is an excellent one – slow and steady wins the race!
[b]It’s time…[/b] think before you speak, think before you act, and to think before you think...! Taking that little extra time to hold this attention will reap greater dividends in the long run. Become like the tortoise, ‘smell the roses’ and thereafter be the master and go within your ‘shell’.

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[center][b][b][b]Take me to a 'Good Place'[/b][/b][/b][/center]

[b][b]Everything around us is a vibrating energy: the chair you are sitting on, the gadget you are using to view this article, the coffee you have in front of you, the cushion on your back, the photo frame in front of you. And at every single moment there is an exchange of energy between you and everything around you. At every second, you have a choice as to which energies to absorb and which to resist.[/b][/b]
[b][b]The greatest impact is that of other people’s energy. If there were a choice, would you rather not work with a polite, kind, modest and easy going person or a bossy, rude, negative and selfish person? What is it about their energies that either attract us or repel us? The answer is that the former energy will take us to that ‘good place’ inside of ourselves where our good qualities emerge easily and automatically. The latter takes us to an uncomfortable place filled with fear and insecurity, and where we have to make the effort firstly, to overcome the negative and secondly to assert our virtue.[/b][/b]
[b][b]Imagine if we had x-ray vision and were able to ‘tune’ into every one’s energy field. Chances are we would certainly keep our distance from many people as we notice the negative quality of their thoughts and feelings.[/b][/b]
[b][b]Every time we shake hands with another individual or come into their proximity, there is an exchange of energy between our auras. We are ‘touched’ by that person – literally! And our energy fields penetrate each other. No wonder we feel tired and exhausted by the end of the day. Just as we can immediately recognize the energy projected from a holy place of worship or from a night-club, so too we need to be discriminating about places such as shopping malls and sports stadiums. On the surface they seem to be neutral spaces, but on an energetic level, there is desire, greed, ego, competition and more lurking in the shadows![/b][/b]
[b][b]Whether we realize it or not, we do become influenced. Sometimes, when we come to our senses we wonder how on earth we could have come to that decision, or bought that particular item, or even why we feel low, unhappy or depressed.[/b][/b]
[b][b]When we see mob violence we see people caught up in this force that will cause them to do things that they would not do otherwise. People will even kill, torture and rape under the persuasive influence of the negative collective energy.[/b][/b]
[b][b]Just as we are selective about the aesthetics of our personal space, it’s also important to filter the energies in our life and be selective about the people we hold in our orbit. We want to be with those who take us to a good place in our minds and hearts, not those who steal our energy or further weaken it with their negativity, or worse, may have bad intentions towards us.[/b][/b]
[b][b]Meditation is an important tool to help us create a very powerful aura of light and purity. In times of need this will be our greatest protection. And the greatest charity we can do for the world will be to spread that light and help raise the vibration of the planet.[/b][/b]
[b][b][b]It’s time… to notice the energies around you and to tune into the positive. Better still, influence others with your aura of peace, power and love, and help raise the vibration in the world. Take people to that ‘good place’ inside of themselves.[/b][/b][/b]

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[center][b][b][b]Take me to a 'Good Place'[/b][/b][/b][/center]

[b][b]Everything around us is a vibrating energy: the chair you are sitting on, the gadget you are using to view this article, the coffee you have in front of you, the cushion on your back, the photo frame in front of you. And at every single moment there is an exchange of energy between you and everything around you. At every second, you have a choice as to which energies to absorb and which to resist.[/b][/b]
[b][b]The greatest impact is that of other people’s energy. If there were a choice, would you rather not work with a polite, kind, modest and easy going person or a bossy, rude, negative and selfish person? What is it about their energies that either attract us or repel us? The answer is that the former energy will take us to that ‘good place’ inside of ourselves where our good qualities emerge easily and automatically. The latter takes us to an uncomfortable place filled with fear and insecurity, and where we have to make the effort firstly, to overcome the negative and secondly to assert our virtue.[/b][/b]
[b][b]Imagine if we had x-ray vision and were able to ‘tune’ into every one’s energy field. Chances are we would certainly keep our distance from many people as we notice the negative quality of their thoughts and feelings.[/b][/b]
[b][b]Every time we shake hands with another individual or come into their proximity, there is an exchange of energy between our auras. We are ‘touched’ by that person – literally! And our energy fields penetrate each other. No wonder we feel tired and exhausted by the end of the day. Just as we can immediately recognize the energy projected from a holy place of worship or from a night-club, so too we need to be discriminating about places such as shopping malls and sports stadiums. On the surface they seem to be neutral spaces, but on an energetic level, there is desire, greed, ego, competition and more lurking in the shadows![/b][/b]
[b][b]Whether we realize it or not, we do become influenced. Sometimes, when we come to our senses we wonder how on earth we could have come to that decision, or bought that particular item, or even why we feel low, unhappy or depressed.[/b][/b]
[b][b]When we see mob violence we see people caught up in this force that will cause them to do things that they would not do otherwise. People will even kill, torture and rape under the persuasive influence of the negative collective energy.[/b][/b]
[b][b]Just as we are selective about the aesthetics of our personal space, it’s also important to filter the energies in our life and be selective about the people we hold in our orbit. We want to be with those who take us to a good place in our minds and hearts, not those who steal our energy or further weaken it with their negativity, or worse, may have bad intentions towards us.[/b][/b]
[b][b]Meditation is an important tool to help us create a very powerful aura of light and purity. In times of need this will be our greatest protection. And the greatest charity we can do for the world will be to spread that light and help raise the vibration of the planet.[/b][/b]
[b][b][b]It’s time… to notice the energies around you and to tune into the positive. Better still, influence others with your aura of peace, power and love, and help raise the vibration in the world. Take people to that ‘good place’ inside of themselves.[/b][/b][/b]

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