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Java/j2Ee Demo Session On Nov 25Th, 2013 @ 7:30Pm Est


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We are conducting Java/J2EE demo session on Nov 25th, 2013 at 7:30pm (EST). Mentor is vastly experienced and will provide job oriented training with real time scenario's, will take personal care with regular assignments and will help you to get placed within timelines by conducting mock interview's and will groom you in every aspect which is needful to get placed on time,complete support provided.



  • INTRODUCTION  :  Installation, Fundamentals of Java Programming, Keywords, Data types, Identifiers, Arrays, Command Line Arguments
  • OPERATORS & CONTROL FLOW :  Arithmetic Operators,  Relational Operators, Ternary Operators , Equality Operators , Logical Operators, Assignment Operators, Type Casting, Selection Statements,  Iteration Statements, Transfer Statements
  • ACCESS CONTROL :   Package declaration, Accessibility modifiers,Simple Imports & Static Imports,  Java Programming Structure
  • OOPS CONCEPTS :  Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Method Signature, Overloading, Overriding, Constructors, this or super, Final & static, Abstract class and Interface
  • EXCEPTIONS :  Exception Hierarchy, Exception  Vs  Error,  try-catch-finally,  Display error information,  Checked and Unchecked exceptions, Multiple catch blocks,  Nested try blocks, User defined exceptions, Throw and Throws
  • JAVA.LANG PACKAGE :  Hierarchy, Object class, String, StringBuffer & stringBuilder (jd1.5),  Wrapper classes,  Autoboxing and Unboxing (jdk1.5)
  • REFLECTION MECHANISM :  java.lang.Class, java.lang.reflect.Field, java.lang.reflect.Method ,  java.lang.reflect.Constructor,  java.lang.reflect.Modifier
  • JAVA BEANS :  Bean Properties, Bean Methods, Bean Events,
  • INTROSPECTION MECHANISM :  java.beans package,  java.beans.Introspector
  • MULTITHREADING : Defining, Instantiating, and Starting threads, Main thread,  Thread Priorities,  Thread names,  Sleep(), Join() ,  Daemon threads, Synchronization,Inter-thread communication,  Executor Framework
  • IO STREAMS & SERIALIZATION :  File, InputStream,  OutputStream, Reader, Writer,  Serialization, Deserialization
  • COLLECTIONS & GENERICS : Collection Interface, List, Set, Queue, Map, Collection implementation classes, Collections CLASS


  • JDBC FUNDAMENTALS :  JDBC API, JDBC versus ODBC, Types of JDBC Drivers,  Connection, Execute Statements, ResultSet,  Updating Tables , SQL Exceptions, ClassNotFoundException and SQLException   ,  Stored Procedures,  Database Functions
  • ADVANCED  JDBC :  Connection Pooling,  DriverManager, Using Prepared Statements ,  Using Callable Statements , Batch Processing  ,  RowSet,  CachedRowSet,  Isolation Levels && Transactions , Commits, Rollbacks  , BLOB, CLOB
  • SERVLETS :  HTML Forms  ,  Servlets Overview,  Servlet Lifecycle, GenericServlet, ServletRequest, and ServletResponse,  HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse and HttpServlet   ,  HTTP headers and MIME types  , RequestDispatcher: Including and forwarding  ,  Session Management
  • JSP : JSP architecture , JSP tags and JSP expressions, Lifecycle of a JSP, MVC,  Model 1/Model 2 Architecture, Request, application, session and page scope, JSP implicit objects, Custom tags, Design Patterns, EL & JSTL


  • SPRING FRAMEWORK : Spring Framework Architecture,   Spring Framework Modules , Lightweight Container
  • SPRING FRAMEWORK FEATURES:   Inversion Of Control (IOC), different types of injections,, bean scopes, Before Advice,  After Advice,  Around Advice,  Throws Advice,  Introduction Advice, Static Pointcut,  Dynamic Pointcut
  • SPRING MIDDLE – TIER :   Spring DAO , Spring JDBC,  Spring with Hibernate Integration,  Transaction Management


  • HIBERNATE FRAMEWORK :   Hibernate Architecture,  Program using Hibernate framework,  CRUD and Finder methods Implementation, Inheritance,  INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT operations, Associations, Hibernate best practices, Primary Key Generators ,  Multiple Databases , Hibernate Query Language (HQL)  , Second Level Cache  , Hibernate Annotations  ,  Integrating Hibernate with Servlets


  • STRUTS FRAMEWORK: Architecture,  Design Patterns,  Application using Struts Framework, Struts tab libraries Validator Framework,  Types of FormBean classes,  Built-in Action classes, Multiple Modules,  Internationalization (I18N) Excception Handling, Struts and Tiles, Struts with Hibernate Integration

Please call us at the earliest to book your slot and don't miss this wonderful opportunity which will kick start your career.



PH: 215-326-9252

E: [email protected]


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