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Webshpere Commerce Admin Traning


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Please contact Kumar: [email protected]

Websphere Commerce Server Administration

Course introduction
Installing and configuring WebSphere Commerce
Lab: Configuring WebSphere Commerce V7 and installing fix packs and feature packs
Administering WebSphere Commerce
Lab: Publishing a sample store
Deploying WebSphere Commerce stores
Lab: Publishing a customized starter store
Troubleshooting and performance monitoring
Lab: Troubleshooting log files
Managing organizations and users
Lab: Managing access control policies
Web services and the messaging infrastructure
Lab: Configuring the job scheduler and messaging infrastructure
The loader utility and updating WebSphere Commerce stores
Lab: Updating WebSphere Commerce stores
Ongoing maintenance
Lab: Maintaining a WebSphere Commerce store
Lab: Establishing security in a WebSphere Commerce site
Search engine optimization
Lab: Optimizing a store for search engines
Installing and configuring mobile and social commerce features
Lab: Installing and configuring mobile and social commerce features
Administering add-on features
Lab: Administering add-on features
Administering the payment infrastructure
Lab: Configuring the payment infrastructure
Course summary

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