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.net Training Basic And Advanced Training For Just 235Usd


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Basic and Advanced .net training for just 235USD Microsoft.NET 4.0 Course Content


Microsoft.NET 4.0 training includes two modules:

  1. C#.NET   (Duration  :  20 hours)
  2. ASP.NET (Duration :   20 hours)


Module1:  C#.NET

1. Introduction to .NET

·          Introduction to the .NET

·           Features of .NET Product

·          .NET Framework and its components

·          CLR and its responsibilities

2. Introduction to Visual Studio IDE

·          Introduction to the Visual Studio IDE

·          Different versions of Visual Studio

·          Projects creation using Visual Studio

·          Important windows in Visual Studio

3. C# Programming

·          Introduction to C# programming language

·          Basic programming concepts of C#

·           Control Structures in C#

·          Processing Methods and its arguments

·          Working with Arrays in C#

·          Structures and Enumerations

4. Object Oriented Programming in C#

·          Introduction to OOPS concepts

·          Constructors and Destructors

·          Properties in C#.NET

·           Overloading and Overriding  (Polymorphism)

·          Inheritance, Abstract Classes and Interfaces

·          Namespaces and Partial classes

5. Exception Handling in C#

·          Introduction to Exception Handling

·          Types of Exceptions in .NET

·          Usage of Exception parent class

·          Try, catch and Finally Blocks


6. Collections and Generics

·          Introduction to Collections in .NET

·          Usage of Collection:  ArrayList

·          Limitations in collections

·          Usage of generic collections: List

7. Delegates and Events

·          Introduction to Delegates in .NET

·          Simple and Multicast Delegates

·          Usage of Delegates in GUI Apps

·          Different types of  Events in .NET

8. Developing Windows Applications in .NET

·          Windows Applications in .NET

·          Windows Forms Class and members

·          Windows  Form s Controls TextBox, Label, Button etc.

·          List Controls in Windows Applications

·          MDI Forms Applications, Menus

9. Database Programming : ADO.NET

·          Introduction to ADO.Net

·          ADO.NET Libraries : Providers for multiple databases

·          Connected Model in ADO.NET

·          Performing DML operations using Command Class

·          Disconnected Model in ADO.NET

·          Performing DML operations using DataSets

·          DataGrid binding with DataSet Tables


10. Developing Class Libraries

·          Libraries in .NET Framework (FCL)

·          Developing User Defined libraries

·          Content of Libraries

·          Application Development with user defined libraries

    11. WPF Applications

·          Introduction to WPF Applications

·          Introduction to XAML

·          Usage of layout controls

·          Adding styles to WPF controls

·          Working with Brushes in WPF applications

·          Applying animations to WPF Applications


12. LINQ Programming

·          Introduction to LINQ Programming

·          LINQ query clauses and its operators

·          LINQ to objects

·          LINQ to XML

·         LINQ to Datasets



Module2:    ASP.NET

1. Introduction to Web Technologies

·          Introduction to Web

·          Client Side and Server Side technologies

·          Role of Web Server : IIS

·           Overview of classic ASP

·          Scripting languages

2. Introduction to ASP.NET

·          Difference of ASP and ASP.NET

·          ASP .NET design goals

·          Important features of ASP.NET features

·          Code behind technique in Web Forms

·          Web Site and Web Application in Visual Studio

·          Processing of web pages

3. ASP.NET Web Server Controls

·          Introduction to Server Controls

·          HTML Server Controls

·          Web Server Controls

·          List Controls in ASP.NET

·          Rich controls in Web Forms

4.  Validation Controls in ASP.NET

·          Validations in Web Sites

·          New Validation controls in ASP.NET

·          Validation Summary

·          Validation Groups

5.  Master Pages in ASP.NET

·          What is Web page templates?

·          Working with Master Pages

·          Developing Content pages

·          Accessing master page controls in content page

6.  Themes and skins

·          Introduction to ASP.NET Themes

·          Organizing Theme folders

·          Creating skin files

·          Page level skins

·          Application level skins

7.  State Management in ASP.NET

·          Requirement of managing state in Web sites

·          Sharing data in ASP.NET Web pages

·          View State and Query String

·          Working with Cookies

·          Session and Application objects

·          Global.asax File

8.  Application Configuration

·          Configuration file in ASP.NET

·          Sections in Web.config

·          Connection Strings and AppSettings

·          Custom Errors in Web.config

9.  Security in ASP.NET

·          Introduction to ASP.NET Security

·          Authentication & Authorization

·          Forms Authentication

·          Windows, Passport Authentications

·          Configure multiple web.config for Security

10.  Web Services in ASP.NET

·          Introduction to Distributed technology

·          Introduction to  Web Services environment

·          SOAP Protocol and XML messages

·          Developing Web Services in ASP.NET

·         Consuming Web Services on other Apps.  

11.  Introduction to            WCF

·          Introduction to WCF Services

·          Diff. types of Contracts in WCF

·          Multiple bindings in WCF

·          Developing Client and Server Applications

·          Web Hosting and Managed Hosting of WCF Service

12. AJAX

·          Introduction of asynchronous web pages

·          ASP.NET AJAX Framework

·          Server-side ASP.NET AJAX programming

·          Client-side ASP.NET AJAX programming  

·          AJAX Control Toolkit controls



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Contact No: +91 8142063151
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