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Top 10 Houses In The Middle Of Nowhere


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1. Aogashima, Japan
The island is located in the Philippine Sea, administered by Tokyo and might be the most remote and recluse place on Earth. Aogashima is of a volcanic origin and has a volcanic caldera on the surface. The place offers ultimate tranquility and unique landscape.

Why to go there?: The most remote and unique place in the world for sure.
How to get there?: The island is visited by the tourists as part of the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park by boat or helicopter.




2. Kolmanskop, Namibia
Once a wealthy diamond mining village, Kolmanskop was destroyed by the Namib desert. Today it is often referred as a Ghost Town. The buildings are invaded by the desert and although the town is entirely abandoned, it attracts many visitors and even the guided tours are provided.

Why to go there?: A very enigmatic and unusual, yet picturesque place. One of the most popular destinations in Namibia.
How to get there?: By car take the B4 road from Luderitz.

Photo: Marsel van Oosten

Photo: Malcolm Fackender


3. Breidavik, Iceland
Here the most westerly church in Europe is found! Situated on the beach Breidavik church is exposed to the severe weather and is surrounded with fjords. The guesthouses are also scattered in the breathtaking environment of this region.

Why to go there?: Puffin-watching is the main attraction, as well as nature – the dramatic coast varies from the steep cliffs to the sandy beaches.
How to get there?: By bus from the bigger cities.

Photo: Peter Negatsch

Photo: Peter Negatsch

Photo: Bruno Enrico

4. Mountains in Norway
Norway is famous for its fjords and mountains, that are stretched all around the country. Wherever you will go, you will definitely find remote villages or cottages in the valleys. The tourists have an opportunity to stay at the hotels and guesthouses in the mountains, while traveling around.

Why to go there?: A favorite hikers and climbers spot.
How to get there?: Get around the country by bus or train.

Photo: Lowe Rehnberg

Photo: Robin Kamp

Photo: Ruud van den Berg

5. Stone House, Guimarães, Fafe Mountains, Portugal
The incredible house is made by attaching giant stones with concrete. As soon as the pictures of it have gone viral, the unusual building was named the Flintstones house and attracted tourists. There is no electricity in the house, but it has a cozy fireplace and a pool.

Why to go there?: Guimarães is a main historic city in Portugal, while Fafe fascinates with mountains and the Stone House.
How to get there?: Get to Guimarães by train or bus. Reach the house by hiking in the mountains.

Photo: Feliciano Guimarães

Photo: Feliciano Guimarães

Photo: Rodrigo Gonçalves Jr.


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6. Tuscany, Italy
The landscapes of Tuscany are breathtaking. The villas and farmhouses surrounded with the wave-like hills and cypress trees are available to rent for the tourists. A vacation here provides an authentic Italian experience, filled with fresh food, wine and striking sites.

Why to go there?: Renting a Tuscan Villa is a popular tourist attraction, which provides a nice vacation in a historic place.
How to get there?: Easy access by plane, train or bus from Italy and abroad.

Photo: Gianluca Sgarriglia

Photo: Emanuele Torrisi

Photo: Stanislav Sav-in

7. Gásadalur, Vagar Island, Faroe Islands
A lot of small villages are scattered on the islands, that fascinate with the vast landscapes. The village of Gásadalur is situated on the edge of a steep cliff with a waterfall. The mountains of Vagar surround the village and isolate it from the rest of the world.

Why to go there?: Faroe Islands definitely have the most unique and beautiful nature in the world.
How to get there?: By boat or fly to Vagar.

Photo: Kim S. Brockie



8. Schönau am Königssee, Bavaria, Germany
The settlement is surrounded with the Watzmann mountain, that is part of the Bavarian Alps, and gorgeous Königssee lake. The fascinating nature defines Schönau’s dramatic landscape. The municipality is one of the most famous tourist spots in the region.

Why to go there?: Besides the beautiful nature, hiking in the mountains and boating, Schönau is also visited for its bobsleigh, luge, and skeleton track, wellness and spa centers.
How to get there?: From Munich get there by car or train.


Photo: Michael Wünsche


9. Drina River, Bajina Basta, Serbia
The town lies on the valley of Drina River, where this small house is situated. Surrounded with the western mountains, the place fascinates with unspoiled nature – Tara National Park is founded adjacent to the town. The private house is used as a holiday retreat.

Why to go there?: The National Park is definitely worth visiting. The house has also become a tourist attraction, after the pictures of it went viral.
How to get there?: Hike from Tara National Park.




10. The Crystal Mill, Colorado, USA
he mill was built in the late 19th century and is also known as the Old Mill. Situated on the banks of the Crystal River, the mill is surrounded with incredibly beautiful nature. The mill is said to be the most photographed attraction in the state.

Why to go there?: An unusual trip, providing many scenic sites.
How to get there?: Get to Town of Crystal by car and from there hike to the mill.



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