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Cop Uncle And I


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One day I said to a cop, why can't we legally run red lights when it's clear so we can reduce pollution ?

And he said : What if everyone runs a red light ? That won't be safe.

And I said : If everyone runs a red light SAFELY, then where's the problem ?

And he said : There's no way to tell if someone can run a red light safely.

And I said : Cops are allowed to do it.

And he said : It's still illegal for everyone else.

And I said : It's legal for motorcycles to run red lights in Nevada.

And he said : Not everyone is as intelligent of a driver as you are.

And I asked : Then why can't we legally run red lights when it's clear so we reduce pollution?

And he said : Because then I would have to stop at all GREEN lights to make sure YOU aren't running the red light and that would make ME waste more gas.

And I said : You can't force people to stop at red lights, so you should already be stopping to make sure no one is going to run the red light BEFORE you proceed through a green light.

And he said : Okay fine, since you are more intelligent than the average person, I will explain the REAL reason why you can't run red lights. It's illegal to run red lights because the government wants to create more reasons as to why an officer can pull you over and check your credentials, because this increases the odds that cops will find something illegal on someone, like an expired license, or no proof of insurance, and then we can search their cars and find OTHER illegal things like drugs / weapons. So yes you're right, it's 100% safe to run some red lights, and if everyone ran red lights then that would reduce traffic and gas consumption and it would reduce pollution and it would probably save this planet, but the government would rather make it illegal for people to run red lights so that we can stop them and search their cars and find them doing other illegal things. 

And I said : So the government doesn't care about the safety of our health from bad air pollution ?

And he said : That's what Obamacare is for, to TREAT your problems, not cure them. 

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