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Best Rehabilitation Centers In India


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In India, the impact of these measures is low because consumers have easy access to undocumented (illegal and excise-evaded) alcohol, beyond the jurisdiction of the tax system.

There is also concern that alcohol as a commodity is relatively inelastic and thus an increase in its price would simply increase at the expense of aggravating drinkers economic difficulties of their family members, without necessarily reducing any of the other negative effects.

Regulatory legislation on hours of sale, sales to minors and drunk driving are observed in the breach. The Indian Motor Vehicle Act specifies a cut-alcohol level of 30 mg% for drivers, which is probably one of the strictest in the world. However, a recent study in the city of Bangalore on a calendar month showed that 40% of drivers were over the legal limit.


For more details please Contact Us:
Phone: +91 77999 19293, +91 77999 00044

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