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This Photos Are Heartbreaking Evidence & Consequences Of Pollution


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1. The result of an oil spill in the Black Sea.
2. The air pollution in Singapore on a regaular day.
3. A sewage pipe dumping waste into the Yellow Sea.
4. Air pollution in Tehran, the capital city of Iran.
5. Industrial discharge in the Yangtze River in China.
6. Trash down by the river.
7. Floating trash in London.
8. Chemical wastewater being pumped into the Yangtze River in China.
9. Now this is just surreal...
10. ...and this is completely tragic.
11. This picture was taken in the afternoon.
12. Selfies with surgical masks.
13. It's hard to escape plastic pollution.
14. A reservoir in China that turned blood red because of pollution.
15. This breaks my heart.
16. A dirty power plant.
17. Chinese villager washing clothes in a contaminated river.
18. Nature is slowly being ruined.
19. The smog over London on a summer day.
20. Trash from climbers on Mount Everest.


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