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whey protein tesukunna adi padadam ledhu re :(

eat whole foods for protein then.. you don't need that much protein unless you are weight lifting..

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Barbell squats:

3*10 20lbs

Bench press:
3*10 20lbs

Bent over barbell rows:
3*10 10lbs

Standing calf raises:
1*15 90lbs
1*15 105lbs

Triceps pull downs:
1*15 50lbs
1*15 60lbs

Gained 2 pounds :(

not sure what workout routine is this? usually triceps are done on chest days.. also u should up the number of sets with less reps.. it should be atleast 2*8.. 

i'm following jim stoppani's shortcut to shred.. super workout routine.. high intensity.. 

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