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Open Stack Cloud Computing Online / Corporate Training


Recommended Posts


  • Virtualization Overview
  • Software as a service
  • platform as a service
  • Infrastructure as a Service
  • Openstack – History and Overview
  • Q&A

OpenStack Architecture DeepDive

  • Components Overview
  • Keystone architecture
  • Nova architecture
  • Glance architecture
  • Quantum architecture

Deploying OpenStack – Step by Step through CLI

  • Getting the pre-requisites right
  • Setting up MySQL, RabbitMQ
  • Setting up Keystone
  • Setting up Glance
  • Setting up Horizon
  • Creating accounts and users

Deploying OpenStack – Step by Step through CLI

  • Understanding Cloud Images and instances
  • Building an image for Cloud
  • Registering and uploading an image
  • Setting up Nova
  • Running an image
  • Creating keypairs, Security Groups
  • Managing Instances

Deploying OpenStack – Advanced

  • Multi-node Environment
  • Differences between single and multi-node setup
  • DevStack – Scripted installation for OpenStack
  • DevStack – Script Discussion
  • Log Files, Troubleshooting, Common Errors

Openstack API

  • Introduction
  • Nova APIs
  • Consuming the APIs – demo
  • Openstackforums, User Groups, ML, Documentation
  • Openstack Foundation

Contact US: 201-905-1656/201-210-8616


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