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film director - by darren


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FIRST AND FOREMOST - please remember there is difference becoming a PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR than just become a DIRECTOR 

A dickhead  who simply does short film can be a director or an idiot who has worked as AD for few films can become a Director - but their value diminish fast 


HENCE ALL THOSE Idiots out There try to be a PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR   not just a film Director 

In india so much mad population crazy abt films and many want to be a film director for their sheer excitement or pleasure or fascination towards stars or films ! But ground reality is way far from imagination 


To become a film director one should know few self parameters 

1. Creativity - creative ideas n wonderful ideas above all using common sense with sense and sensibilities    

2. Vision - who has the ability to visualise many things based on the context of the story 

3. Ability/ Sustainability  - to convince people and of course actors actress producers    

4. Stamina - energy levels to sustain stress and failures  (note its highly stressful job though fun at times) 

5. Good story teller / Communication  - A good story teller with conviction . without conviction many directors become failures . Also u need to convey the idea across 

To become a director in telugu films -  U NEED TO HAVE GOOD COMMAND On LANGUAGE and YOUR IDEA - also should know basics of film making including screenplay and script analysis 

A. Using contacts and simply join some production company and work for a director as assistant for few films ! 

B. If u have good communication , u can get noted by convey your ideas to fellow creative heads in the production team or sometimes to creative actors 

C. If not go by hard and fasten rule - work as 1st assistant 2nd assistant , Associate , then co - director  then director Sometimes this process takes 10 yrs or lifetime 


note : u can also have some good command on few areas of film making among the 24 carets 

unless u are Venkatesh or Nagarjuna cousin born with Golden spoon ! 

RECENTLY ONE OF THE DB DONKEY BECAME A DIRECTOR - Rajesh aka Steven shankar who director one joker SHAMPOO 

spit on their faces - this sort of films this sort of directors this sort of heroes ! 


GOD ONLY KNOWS How cheap Indian films are sometimes with B GRADE DOGS in film industry 

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4 minutes ago, alpachinao said:

Shopping ayithey count me in

yup doing underwares shopping online whats your size ? you want 2nd hand or 1st hand with or without holes ?

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