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Amazon AWS Class from realtime Guru


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We are starting our new course Architecting Amazon AWS Cloud  Infrastructure Class  is starting from Monday April 25th   at 9:00 PM EST.  If you or your friends are interested in attending this outstanding course, kindly register using the link provided below. This is a class that will cover the internals of Amazon Cloud infrastructure, where you will be learning the Virtual Private Cloud Designs, Elastic Compute Cloud, S3 Storage, Elastic Load Balancers, Security groups,  and much more. I request you to pass this information to your friends and relatives who you think may benefit from this course.


Registration URL: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/759021837884275457


Watch Our DEMO Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Nj3EqqZRak&feature=youtu.be

Step Module Description
1 AFC 100 Amazon AWS Cloud 
Foundation Course

Course Deliverables

Classroom Training: Apart from the core conceptual knowledge that we deliver. All examples and practicals will be demonstrated practically on servers(Nothing will be just Theary!).

Lab: Students can create and destroy virtual machines on demand, to practice things learned in the class.


Heading   Topic
Introduction to AWS 1.1 Navigate the AWS Management Console.
1.2 Recognize AWS Global Infrastructure.
1.3 Describe the security measures AWS provides.
1.4 Describe AWS Regions and Availability zones.
1.5 Creating an AWS account.
AWS Storage 2.1 Identify key AWS storage options.
2.2 Describe and learn Amazon EBS.
2.3 Describe Amazon SSD based storage and I/O patterns.
2.4 Describe and learn Amazon S3 storage and its components.
2.5 Create an Amazon S3 bucket and manage associated objects.
2.6 Static Web hosting using S3 buckets.
2.7 Understanding Glacier and create Vaults.
Compute Services & Networking 3.1 Identify the different AWS compute and networking options.
3.2 Describe and learn Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
3.3 Create an Amazon VPC and its components.
3.4 Understand Internet Gateway and its services.
3.5 Understanding Security groups and Network ACL’s.
3.6 Understand Subnets and its placements.
3.7 Understanding Key Pairs and its usage.
3.8 Create an Amazon EC2 instance.
3.9 Use Amazon EBS with Amazon EC2.
3.10 Understanding Elastic IP’s.
3.11 Understanding Elastic Load Balancers ( ELB).
3.12 Route Tables and DHCP Option sets.
3.13 Describe Amazon Dynamo DB.
3.14 Understand key aspects of Amazon RDS.
3.15 Launch an Amazon RDS instance.
3.16 Understand Route 53 the scalable DNS.
Identity and Access Management 4.1 Understand Amazon IAM Service.
4.2 Describe Users, Groups, roles and policies.
4.3 Create and Manage users, groups and policies.
4.4 Account settings and credential Reports.
4.5 Understand Security policies.
4.6 Create custom policies using Policy Generator.
4.7 Understand key aspects of Amazon RDS.
4.8 Launch an Amazon RDS instance.
Managed Services & Database 5.1 Describe Amazon Dynamo DB.
5.2 Understand key aspects of Amazon RDS.
5.3 Launch an Amazon RDS instance.
5.4 Understand Snapshots.
5.5 Understand Security groups and Parameter groups.
5.6 Understand Elastic Cache.
Application Services 6.1 Describe Message Queue Service(SQS).
6.2 Understand Elastic Transcoder and its use.
6.3 Understand SEC ( Email Sending Service).
6.4 Understand Push Notification Service(SNS).
6.5 Describe Amazon Cloud Watch metrics and alarms.
6.6 Understand Cloud Formation.
6.7 Understand Resource Configuration and Inventory.
6.8 Understand Work Docs.
6.9 Overview of Workspaces (Desktops in the Cloud).

Duration: 30 Hours
Course Fee: $500

For more details:


PH: 678-439-8525

E: [email protected]


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