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NSA Ajit Doval faces Masood roadblock on China visit


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A day before Doval's visit, Chinese officials said they were "in communication" with India over the issue, but reiterated their stand that placing the technical hold was done "in accordance with facts" and rules of the UNSC 1267 sanctions committee.

Ajit Doval

National Security Adviser Ajit Doval will on Wednesday in Beijing begin high-level talks with China on the boundary question and other strategic issues, amid new strains between the two countries over China blocking the listing of Jaish-e-Mohammed chief Masood Azhar at the United Nations Security Council.

A day before Doval's visit, Chinese officials said they were "in communication" with India over the issue, but reiterated their stand that placing the technical hold was done "in accordance with facts" and rules of the UNSC 1267 sanctions committee.

"We hope we can continue with such kind of communication so as to properly resolve the issue," Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said, but declined to elaborate on what "facts" had prompted China's stand.

Asked about External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj's comments in Moscow, at the Russia-India-China summit on Monday, hitting out at "double standards" in the global fight against terror, Hua said China too was "firmly opposed to double standards on the terrorism issue" and China was "also a victim of terrorism".

"We believe that only by working as one can the world fight against terrorism and maintain peace and stability of the whole world. There is no doubt about that," she added.

Hua reiterated China's view that it was "dealing with the listing matter in accordance with facts and relevant resolutions and we are also in sound communication with all relevant parties including the Indian side".

The issue has also figured in Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar's on-going China visit. He told reporters in Beijing on Monday after talks with the PLA leadership in Beijing that "what happened at the UN was not the right direction" China had taken on terror and that both sides should stand together.

NSA Doval will on Wednesday hold the 19th round of border talks with Chinese top diplomat and State Councillor Yang Jiechi, his counterpart as Special Representative (SR). Besides the boundary question, both officials will discuss a range of strategic issues, officials said, including counterterrorism.

Doval will also meet a senior Chinese leader, most likely Premier Li Keqiang.

Hua said the two SRs will continue "working on framework settlement so as to work out a plan that could be acceptable to both sides".

Both sides have been deadlocked in negotiations for a framework agreement for all three sectors of the border since 2005, when the first stage of the talks, an agreement on political parameters, was concluded. The final stage will involve delineating the border in maps and on the ground.

"During this 19th session the two sides will continue to strive to reach a settlement acceptable to both sides," said Hua, "and the two sides will also exchange views on international and regional issues…..to create favourable conditions for improvement of bilateral relationship."

Hua noted that China had "completely settled territorial disputes with 12 out of 14 of our land neighbours" - only India and Bhutan are pending - and that "both history and practice have proven that it is practical to resolve territorial disputes through negotiation and consultation."

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