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h1b ext help


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Hi All, 

I am applying for my h1b extension  . I am in E V V C model, I got letters from client and both the vendors. On client letter I have my primary vendor name mentioned and my primary vendor letter has second vendor name . Finally second vendor letter has my employer company name in it . 

This is the first time i am working in this model , I had to take up this project on emergency basis. 

what are the approval chances @ Vermont center ? 


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mee client manager tho matladi - nee actual company peru letter lo pettela chusuko... experience tho chepthunna.. inni letters ante interviewer might go crazy and ask you about how you are maintaining employee- employer relationship antadu.. I recently attended my 2nd time interview with EVC model... client gave the letter just what you said.. kaani nenu adigi change chepincha..

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client letter lo my employer name is not mentioned.Thereonlymy prime vendor is mentioned

same for prime vendor whichhas middle vendor

only in middle vendor letter my employer name is there

so chances enti for this approval


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