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Investment in Small town for EB5


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 Investments may be made in either of two ways: 1) individually (direct), or 2) through a government-approved regional center.


Regional Center Basics

In the regional center method, the foreign individual invests in an enterprise through a government-approved regional center. The minimum investment amount is $1 million, or $500,000 if the regional center is located in a TEA. Most, but not all, regional centers are located in TEAs. Unlike a direct investor, a regional center investor can satisfy the job-creation requirement by creating direct or indirect full-time jobs for at least ten employees within two years of the visa petition's approval. Indirect jobs are those created collaterally as a result of a regional center's dispersal of investments to affiliated new commercial enterprises. Moreover, because a regional center is pre-approved by the government to promote economic growth, regional center investors generally will not have to conduct independent investigation and analysis to prove in the visa petition that the job-creation requirement has been met, that a new commercial enterprise has been established, or that the investor will engage in the management of the enterprise. Because most regional centers are also pre-approved by the government as being located in TEAs, the investor's evidentiary burden is often further lightened if the reduced investment amount of $500,000 is desired.

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