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Sarcasm at its best


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Sharing a bit sarcastic message from the VC of Mumbai Univ. 
 1. If u want to know how divided we r, just look at matrimonial page of our newspaper
 2. India is running the software of tomorrow on the hardware of yesterday 
 3. If the mobile gets spoiled blame the child, if child gets spoiled blame the mobile
 4. If someone is asking for dirty cloth to clean something,  then u r in India
 5. The only country where people fight to be termed 'backward'
 6. In India, u don't cast ur vote, u vote ur caste..
 7. An incredible country where actors r playing cricket, cricketers r playing politics, politicians r watching porn and porn stars r becoming actors
 8. Sarcasm is like electricity, half of India doesn't get it
 9. And the ultimate one:
 The country where liking a Facebook post and sending messages on WhatsApp gets u arrested, while raping does not...
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