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Epic takedown of Umar Khalid ..


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1st sensible debate since the entire JNU tamasha broke out. And obviously it has to come from a dalit, responding to Umar Khalid's open letter.

Umar Khalid's letter here https://www.facebook.com/umar.khalid.984/posts/10153528246725796

Finally, it is true that the class divisions, caste hierarchies and patriarchy exists amongst muslims in the Indian sub-continent, just as they also exist among the Dalits and other oppressed castes. It is equally true that muslims and Dalits, notwithstanding their internal divisions and hierarchies, also face discrimination and violence for simply being muslims or Dalits. Any genuine force that is committed to social justice, annihilation of caste and radical social transformation has to deal with these contradictions.

For us the slogan of ‘Jai Bhim Laal Salam’ is not simply a call for electoral unity of the left and Ambedkarite groups. For us it’s a new vision of a democratic revolution in which the struggle against caste system and patriarchy is internal to class struggle. When we speak of Bhagat Singh and Ambedkar, we speak of a new politics which talks about the fight for the annihilation of caste and revolutionary social transformation – a fight also against being reduced to a number, a thing and the most immediate identity of people. This fight will be waged every day in the streets, factories, fields and universities and the unity will be accomplished over the course of this fight.

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Rahul Sonpimple's reply to Khalid's letter here https://www.facebook.com/rahul.sonpimple/posts/1019830594737010

A careful reading of your letter emphasizes two major aspects, firstly, you mention about the caste practices and untouchability within the Muslims, and secondly, you write about the unified identity of Muslims and victimization of the community, irrespective of these differences. But you used the first argument to qualify the second argument where you transform yourself from the oppressor to the oppressed.

P.S.: From my village to my slum, from my school to my university, me and my community (we don’t own fields & factories) live without social capital and caste privileges, so for me it is more important to fight for social justice rather than writing responses to savarna revolutionaries. Comrade, rather than working on the oppressed please start projects to civilize and humanize the oppressors, who will be more easily accessible to you. So unless you write an open letter to your savarna colleagues with whom you are working on your revolutionary projects, please do not write open letters to dalit-bahujans, they can fight their own battles.

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A good teachable moment for all those upper caste leftists, who are 'caste polite', to stop undermining dalit activism in the name of equality.

Utter brilliance from Rahul Sonpimple.

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