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Top 7 Places You're Not Allowed To Visit


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#7 - Mezhgorye

#7 - Mezhgorye#7 - Mezhgorye

Founded in 1979, Mezhgorye is a closed town located in Russia. Believed to house people that work on the highly secretive Mount Yamantaw - the mountain stands at a staggering 1,640 meters (5,381 ft) - making it the highest mountain to exist in the southern Urals. Long suspected by the United States government to be a secretive nuclear facility and bunker, the United States has gathered several different answers from the Russian government in regards to the true nature of Mount Yamantaw. With two garrisons (Beloretsk-15 and Beloretsk-16) built on top of the facility - further debate was sparked even more during the time of Boris Yeltsin’s pro-Western government period shortly after the fall of the Soviet Union

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#6 - Moscow Metro-2

#6 - Moscow Metro-2#6 - Moscow Metro-2

While we're still in Russia - let's look at this secret underground metro system which runs parallel to the public Moscow Metro. Supposedly built during the time of Stalin's rule under the code name of D-6 (purportedly commissioned by the KGB) - the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and the Moscow Metro administration refuses to either confirm OR deny its existence. With stops rumored to include an underground town at Ramenki, the government airport at Vnukovo-2, and even the FSB headquarters - it's said to have 4 lines and have a varying deepness of 50 to 200 m, with an overall length rumored to exceed most Russian train lines - including their own civil Metro.

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#5 - The Vatican Secret Archives

#5 - The Vatican Secret Archives

Despite the name, the Vatican Archives aren't so secret - in fact, a visitor is more than welcome to view any document they wish to. The caveat? You cannot enter. Requests to see a document must be made in advance with its delivery being facilitated by official personnel only. Although a few recent movies instilled some misconceptions about their secretive nature - the only things off limit are documents that have not reached 70 years of age (in order to protect certain diplomatic and sensitive governmental info). With an estimated 52 miles of archive shelving alone - selective catalog volumes reach upwards of 35,000 and above. Too bad we can't show it to you.

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#4 - White's Gentlemen's Club

#4 - White's Gentlemen's Club

Founded in 1693 by Italian Francesco Bianco (otherwise known as Francis White) as a means to sell the newly discovered hot chocolate fad, this gorgeous exterior housed an institution that quickly became more gentleman, less cacao. With an infamous "betting book", its patrons have made bizarre gambles on such crazy nonsense as "3,000 pounds to the first man to call the raindrops that will hit the bottom of the window first" and more. Said to be only attainable to members of royalty, extremely powerful figures in politics or the arts and - oh yeah - men only. Even if you fit all of the criteria - applicants may only be considered if invited by a sitting member who ALSO has the support of two other members.

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#3 - Area 51

#3 - Area 51#3 - Area 51

You knew this one was coming. Although it's a bit of a running trope nowadays, this southern Nevada military base - located just 83 miles northwest of downtown Las Vegas - is an extremely intriguing and worthy entry to our list. With a primary purpose of supporting development and testing of experimental aircraft and weapons systems - the base is shrouded in both intense mystery - and heavily armed security. With a firm rooting in UFO folklore and real-life sci-fi conspiracy theories, the government itself barely acknowledges the very existence of the base - despite a sign clearly warning that deadly force WILL be used against trespassers. We'll leave this one to the movies.

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#2 - Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center

#2 - Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center#2 - Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center

Serving as a bit of a "end of the world" shelter - this real life compound exists should a situation of impending doom arise. Much like in the movies - where a highly classified area is constructed to house upper echelon officials and a chosen few in times of extreme distress - this is the real deal. Originally built in the 1950s as a response to the deadly potential of the Cold War, this area continues to operate to the day as a "last hope" destination. Run by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the center is fully functional and even accepts telecommunication re-routing when small local disasters render communication impossible. For the world's sake - we hope to never have to see it.

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#1 - RAF Menwith Hill

#1 - RAF Menwith Hill#1 - RAF Menwith Hill

Described as the largest electronic monitoring station in the world, this controversial British military base has connections to not only the global ECHELON spy network - but is also believed to scour for terrorist activity, foil drug trafficking and monitor political and diplomatic intelligence. The facilities contain an extremely extensive satellite ground station - also acting as a communications interception and missile warning site. With involvement in reports of commercial espionage and private filtering of all telephone and radio communications (in the nations which host it), their arguable dubious practices have landed them in some hot water before. With its impressive stature and intimidating amount of power, it's no secret why THIS secret - is, well... top secret.



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