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TG Strides ahead as the premier Destination of Buddhist Tourism in India


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The Avukana Buddha Statue in Sri Lanka. Picture courtesy: Wikimedia/Carlos Delgado/Creative Commons



If you are someone who travels to different places for the love of Buddhist sites, the state of Telangana would be able to please you in the times to come. While the Telangana State Tourism Development Corporation (TSTDC) has already been planning to develop and reconstruct Buddhist sites in the state, help has been offered by Sri Lanka and China.

According to a report by The Times of India, the country's first ever Buddhist theme park, named Sriparvatarama (Buddhavanam) is being built at Nagarjuna Sagar. And the Sri Lanka government has sent a 27-feet replica of its famous Avukana Buddha for the same. 


The report reveals that the statue has been donated under the Indo-Sri Lankan cultural exchange programme. The massive Buddha statue has been installed at Dhyanavanam, the meditation area of the park.  "The government of Sri Lanka also donated Dhamma Bell and has shown interest in building their Simhala-Vihara complex on the premises of Sriparvatarama (Buddhavanam). Similarly, the World Buddhist Cultural Society, Tibet, and the Pragnopaya Charitable Trust, UP, have started their activities at the site. We expect more Buddhist organizations to commence their activities very shortly," P Ramulu, chairman, TSTDC, told The Times of India.


If you think that's all, the next bit of information will come across as a pleasant surprise. The state tourism board has acquired 279 acres of land on the left bank of River Krishna for the development of Buddhist sites that will give visitors an insight into the origins of Buddhism and highlight the important parts of Buddha's life. In the near future, China and other Southeast Asian countries are expected to help TSTDC complete this project successfully. The expectations are high in this regard, especially after all the help that have been pouring in for the reconstruction of around 10 monasteries that were submerged in the Krishna Valley following the construction of the Nagarjuna Sagar dam.



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