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Nissan app developer busted for copying code from Stack Overflow


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Copying and pasting code from the internet is one of the biggest open secrets in computer programming. And trust me, we all do it. That's because there are question-and-answer sites like StackOverflow.com, where any developer can post a programming-related question and get a response from a fellow developer.

Anyone who may or may not have copied his best friend's English essay in grade school knows the rule: don't copy word for word. You have to come up with the same conclusion using different words, otherwise you risk getting busted.


A developer working on the NissanConnect EV mobile app just got caught red-handed when a verbatim Stack Overflow answer showed up in the most recent app update.


A screenshot from the latest version of the Nissan ConnectEV app...



But the fact that a line of code copied from the internet somehow made its way through the quality assurance process (there is a QA process for Nissan apps, right?) and deployed as an update — to an app that manages a car nevertheless — doesn’t give me a ton of confidence to Nissan or other connected cars in general.

So the lesson here? Never, ever copy and paste code from the internet you don't understand. I repeat: never copy and paste code from the internet you don't understand.

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