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Im having an issue in calculating sum of two variables which capture the sum from two tables  , where the issue is the same sum is being returned for every detailed row , any idea on how to fix this ?
declare @prevyear int , @ytd int
SELECT @prevyear= sum(a.[SalesLastYear])
FROM [AdventureWorks2012].[Sales].[SalesPerson] a inner join [AdventureWorks2012].[Sales].[SalesTerritory] b
  on a.TerritoryID = b.TerritoryID  --where  BusinessEntityID in (@id)
SELECT @ytd= sum(a.SalesYTD)
FROM [AdventureWorks2012].[Sales].[SalesPerson] a inner join [AdventureWorks2012].[Sales].[SalesTerritory] b
 on a.TerritoryID = b.TerritoryID --where  BusinessEntityID in (@id)
 select BusinessEntityID, 
@ytd+@prevyear as sales
  FROM [AdventureWorks2012].[Sales].[SalesPerson]  group by BusinessEntityID
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simple ga ela rayochu kada.. 


SELECT  BusinessEntityID,  sum(a.SalesYTD) + sum(a.[SalesLastYear]) as total
FROM [AdventureWorks2012].[Sales].[SalesPerson] a inner join [AdventureWorks2012].[Sales].[SalesTerritory] b
 on a.TerritoryID = b.TerritoryID

order by BusinessEntityID

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or ne style lo rayali ante.. use order by..... instead of group by..

declare @prevyear int , @ytd int
SELECT @prevyear= sum(a.[SalesLastYear])
FROM [AdventureWorks2012].[Sales].[SalesPerson] a inner join [AdventureWorks2012].[Sales].[SalesTerritory] b
  on a.TerritoryID = b.TerritoryID  --where  BusinessEntityID in (@id)
SELECT @ytd= sum(a.SalesYTD)
FROM [AdventureWorks2012].[Sales].[SalesPerson] a inner join [AdventureWorks2012].[Sales].[SalesTerritory] b
 on a.TerritoryID = b.TerritoryID --where  BusinessEntityID in (@id)
 select BusinessEntityID, 
@ytd+@prevyear as sales
  FROM [AdventureWorks2012].[Sales].[SalesPerson]  order by BusinessEntityID
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12 minutes ago, Sambadu said:

or ne style lo rayali ante.. use order by..... instead of group by..

declare @prevyear int , @ytd int
SELECT @prevyear= sum(a.[SalesLastYear])
FROM [AdventureWorks2012].[Sales].[SalesPerson] a inner join [AdventureWorks2012].[Sales].[SalesTerritory] b
  on a.TerritoryID = b.TerritoryID  --where  BusinessEntityID in (@id)
SELECT @ytd= sum(a.SalesYTD)
FROM [AdventureWorks2012].[Sales].[SalesPerson] a inner join [AdventureWorks2012].[Sales].[SalesTerritory] b
 on a.TerritoryID = b.TerritoryID --where  BusinessEntityID in (@id)
 select BusinessEntityID, 
@ytd+@prevyear as sales
  FROM [AdventureWorks2012].[Sales].[SalesPerson]  order by BusinessEntityID

pasting the actual query 




/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[WUSTL_projectstatus]    Script Date: 6/16/2016 2:37:01 PM ******/






ALTER  procedure [dbo].[ProjectStatus] @projectid int






@ApprovedOriginalBudget as decimal(32,2) ,

@ApprovedBudgetIncreases as decimal(32,2)


SELECT @ApprovedOriginalBudget  = sum(originalProjectBudget)

from CostManagement_BudgetDetails bd

inner JOIN CostManagement_Budgets b on b.id = bd.BudgetId


b.projectid = @projectid


b.docStatusId = 5 --– approved


SELECT @ApprovedBudgetIncreases = sum(ProjectBudget)

From CostManagement_BudgetRequestDetails brd

INNER JOIN  CostManagement_BudgetRequests br on br.id = brd.BudgetRequestId


br.projectId = @projectid


br.docStatusId = 5



      ISNULL([ProjectNumber],'') AS [Project #]  --,ap.id


         ,dbo.IsNullOrEmpty(dbo.GetRecordSpecByTemplate(N'Project Status Updates', N'Project Category', N'PROJECT',P.Id), '') as [Supporting Mission]

         ,ISNULL([ProjectName],'') AS [ProjectName]

         ,ISNULL(PL.Location,'') as [Building Name]

          ,ISNULL(ap.Name,'') as Location

         ,'' as [Floor]

      ,dbo.IsNullOrEmpty(dbo.GetRecordSpecByTemplate(N'Planning and Project Request Form', N'Department', N'PROJECT',P.Id), '') as [Department Name]

         ,dbo.IsNullOrEmpty(dbo.GetRecordSpecByTemplate(N'Planning and Project Request Form', N'Contact Name', N'PROJECT',P.Id), '') as [Customer]

         ,ISNULL([Scope],'') AS [Description of Work]

         ,dbo.IsNullOrEmpty(dbo.GetRecordSpecByTemplate(N'Square Footage', N'NASF', N'PROJECT',P.Id), 0) as [NASF]

         ,ltrim(rtrim(ISNULL([Manager],''))) AS [Project Manager]

      ,isnull(ps.Status,'') as [Present Phase]

         ,cast(dbo.IsNullOrEmpty(dbo.GetRecordSpecByTemplate(N'Planning and Project Request Form', N'Date Assigned to Planner or PM', N'PROJECT',P.Id), '')as date) as [Date Assigned to Planner or PM]

      ,cast(dbo.IsNullOrEmpty(dbo.GetRecordSpecByTemplate(N'Project Date Tracking', N'Programming Planning Start Date', N'PROJECT',P.Id), '')as date) as [Start Date]

         ,cast(dbo.IsNullOrEmpty(dbo.GetRecordSpecByTemplate(N'Project Date Tracking', N'Substantial Completion Date', N'PROJECT',P.Id), '')as date) as [Substantial Completion Date]

      ,dbo.IsNullOrEmpty(dbo.GetRecordSpecByTemplate(N'Project Status Updates', N'Does Project Include a Move', N'PROJECT',P.Id), '') as [Does Project Involve a Move]

         ,dbo.IsNullOrEmpty(dbo.GetRecordSpecByTemplate(N'Project Status Updates', N'Weekly Status Update', N'PROJECT',P.Id), '') as [Weekly Status Update]

         ,dbo.IsNullOrEmpty(dbo.GetRecordSpecByTemplate(N'Project Status Updates', N'Plan for Next Week', N'PROJECT',P.Id), '') as [Plan for Next Week]

         ,dbo.IsNullOrEmpty(dbo.GetRecordSpecByTemplate(N'Project Status Updates', N'Issues and Risks Identified', N'PROJECT',P.Id), '') as [Issues/Risks Identified]

       ,isnull(@ApprovedOriginalBudget,) +ISNULL(@ApprovedBudgetIncreases,) as [Approved Project Budget]

       ,dbo.IsNullOrEmpty(dbo.GetRecordSpecByTemplate(N'Project Status Updates', N'Total Project Budget', N'PROJECT',P.Id), 0)  AS TotalProjectBudget


  FROM [WashUData].[dbo].[Projects] p

  left join [dbo].[ProjectStatuses] ps

  on p.StatusId = ps.id

inner join  [WashUData].[dbo].[Programs] pr

on p.ProgramId= pr.Id

left join [WashUData].[dbo].[ProjectLocations] pl

on pl.ProjectId = p.Id

left join [WashUData].[dbo].[Asset_Properties] ap

on ap.Id= p.PropertyId

LEFT  JOIN dbo.CostManagement_Budgets b ON b.projectId = p.Id

 where p.id in (@projectId)



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2 minutes ago, Sambadu said:

oka value ivu isnull function lo 


isnull(@ApprovedOriginalBudget,?) +ISNULL(@ApprovedBudgetIncreases,?) as [Approved Project Budget]



the thing is ,work outhundi for single project but incase of all projects , the same sum is repeated , say first value for isnull(@ApprovedOriginalBudget,?) +ISNULL(@ApprovedBudgetIncreases,?is $1200 , same 1200 is repeated for all the rows 

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1st  2  select lo  below red condition valla okate value pull chestundemo choodu....... combitination lo always okate value vastundhi yemo.




b.projectid = @projectid


b.docStatusId = 5

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