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Attend Free Demo Session on Android Online Training from Hyderabad


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Best Android Online Training from Hyderabad, India

Attend Free Demo Session on Android Online Training

Course Name:Android Online Training
Course Duration:45hrs

Interested candidates can reach us below to attend FREE Demo Session by contacting us

email:[email protected]


Course Content to be covered


Basic Core Java Concepts
Introduction to Android 

  • Overview of Android and Android SDK
  • History of Android
  • Android features   

Android Architecture overview

  • Introduction to OS layers
    • Linux kernel
    • Libraries
    • Android Runtime
    • Application framework

Setup of Android Development environment

  • System requirements
  • Eclipse and SDK installation, AVD creation
  • Creating first Android application
  • Project Structure

Android Application Fundamentals

  • Android application building blocks
  • Activating components
  • Shutting down components
  • LifeCycle of Application
  • Development tools, Manifest File
  • LifeCycle of Activity

User Interface

  • View Hierarchy and Layouts
  • UI Events
  • Building Menus
  • Notifying users
  • Creating dialogs
  • Graphics & Animations

Main Building Blocks

  • Activity
  • Intents
  • Services
  • Content Providers
  • Broadcast Receivers


  • Overview of Android Resources
  • Creating Resources
  • Using Resources
  • Drawable Resources
  • Animation Resources

Data Storage

  • Shared Preferences
  • Internal Storage (Files)
  • External Storage(SD Card)
  • SQLite Databases 

Android Media API

  • Playing audio/video
  • Media recording

Blue tooth
Telephony Manager
Location Services
Google Maps
Deploying Android Application on Device

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