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LOL..Trump became KVP for the 100th time


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Trump has frequently compared himself to Ronald Reagan and claimed a closeness with the 40th president – "He liked me," Trump has said – that did not exist, the White House records suggest. 

 "In 1983, a request came in for a presidential telegram congratulating Trump on the grand opening of his eponymous tower on Fifth Avenue. A lawyer in the counsel's office wrote 'NO' and explained internally that it would be inappropriate because it was a 'commercial' venture. 

• In 1984, Trump requested that Reagan attend a gala to honor Vietnam veterans in New York City and said he would schedule it for any day that worked on the president's calendar. The White House said no ... 

• In 1987, Trump urged Reagan to pick ex-Sen. Paula Hawkins (R-Fla.) as Transportation Secretary. The president went with Jim Burnley instead. 

• In 1988, the New York Board of Trade gave Trump an 'outstanding executive' award. The head of the group sent the White House a letter asking if POTUS could come. 'Advanced word is that Mr. Trump will have some stimulatingly interesting comments to make during his talk at the dinner,' he wrote. The scheduling office never seriously entertained the idea. 

• Around the same time, Trump sent a glossy pink invitation to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue inviting the president and first lady to an 11 p.m. LaToya Jackson concert at his Atlantic City casino. This was ignored.


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Trump appears to have embellished his relationship with the former president in multiple interviews over the past year. During an interview with Good Morning America in August 2015, he said of Reagan, "I have great respect for him. I helped him. I knew him. He liked me and I liked him." 
"I didn't know him well," Trump later admitted to The Wall Street Journal, insisting, however, that friends told him Reagan was a fan. "He felt very good about me," Trump said. "Frankly, he liked my attitude." 



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Reagan's son Ron, a political analyst noted for his liberal views, said in a recent radio interview that his father "didn't know Donald Trump and wouldn't have cared for Donald Trump." 
"My father would not have known Donald Trump if Trump stood up in his soup," Ron said.

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