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The UK may have commited 'an act of economic self-harm with global ramifications'

British voters have voted to leave the European Union. One economists believes they're doing themselves more harm than good.

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One chart captures the night of insanity as the Brexit vote counts trickled in

The currency markets went nuts along with the rest of the financial markets.


usd gbp


Markets tanked

In the hours that followed, more and more votes were tallied and more and more of those votes confirmed that the 'leave' camp had much more support than forecasters and pollsters projected.

And before you knew it, the British pound had tanked to a six-month low. It went from a high of $1.5018 all the way to $1.3777 within a few hours.

Check out this 6-month chart from Bloomberg's Joe Weisenthal.

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The British pound made a huge swing against the US dollar. (Image: Bloomberg's @TheStalwart)
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